Chapter 17

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The few days after they returned have been filled with missions like before. Help finding lost pets, taking care of the weed, cleaning up the streets, you name it. Today was different though, today they stopped earlier than usual

"Ok, that's it for today. I have to go submit our missions" kakashi said and left his subordinates

"I'm going home" sasuke announced first

"Sasuke-kun wait!" Sakura called out to the uninterested uchiha

"Do you maybe wanna work on our teamwork.. just the two of us?" She said with a flirtatious tone

All Sasuke did was sigh

"sakura, the way you're now is worst tgan any of us, if you have time.. then go train or something" he said heartless but that was just his personality.. ish

Sakura felt heartbroken, even below naoki?! Though she knew the truth, in every mission she did the least.

"Sasuke, don't be rude everyone has their moment of strength and don't make it seem like sakura is weak." Naoki said flicking sasuke's forehead

"Whatever I'm going" he said and flicked her forehead as pay back

"Oh, Sasuke I'm coming with you" naruto shouted following the boy

"Sakura, what about you?" Naoki asked

Sakura was just in denial...

"I promised konohamaru to play ninja, so I'm going to find him" naoki laughed awkwardly

She then decided to leave sakura and her thoughts


Naoki walked around town to find konohamaru

'Kit, there's an annoying feeling around here' kurama said

'Annoying feeling?'

'More like presence, there's a tanuki close by'

'Tanuki? Kurama be more direct who are you talking about!' Naruto said

'The ichibi's jinchuriki.. there here, how annoying'

'But then again you find almost everything alive annoying..' naoki laughed

'Whatever.. ' kurama said and cut the link

"Tanuki, eh? I wonder what kind of person he is.." naoki said to no one really

Naoki walked and then noticed this odd rectangular rock with two eye holes.. she didn't need to think twice before calling the owner of the odd 'rock'

"I know it's you konohamaru" naoki said laughing slightly

Konohamaru appeared and said "as expected from my second rival"

Konahmaru had two other children with him, a girl and a boy in classes.

"Naoki-nee let's play ninja" he said excitedly

Naoki laughed and patted his head "okay, okay"

Then a zombie looking sakura appeared

"Why would a ninja play ninja?!" Sakura said..

'MI'm bellow her?! Sakura thought

"Naoki-nee? Who's that?"

"My teammate and friend."

Sakura seemed to be already walking away

"Eh really? She is? With that forehead?" Konohamaru said mocking sakura.. with those words sakura stopped her movements and you know the rest..

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