Chapter 6

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Ever since the kidnapping from last year kushina and Minato decided to start teaching and training naruto and naoki. It began with the basics like Leaf Concentration, that would evolve into tree climbing.

At some point, with that I mean today the twins complained about their training.. they did those two things almost everyday...

"Stop complaining!" Kushina said and hit the twins on the head, of course lightly but with enough impact it still stung

"Itte!!" The twins whined rubbing the just hit spot

"Maa, Kushina let's do something else I mean they got the hang of their current training, kinda... and they have been doing the same thing for like a year.." Minato reasoned

"Then what should we teach them? Their four years old minato! Just. four. years." She argued

"Well, let's just let them decide" minato smiled at naruto and naoki

The twins looked at each other and then back at their parents, their eyes sparkled with happiness

"I wanna learn kaa-chan's chain technique/tou-chan's teleportation technique!" The twins said at the same time, beaming their parents a smile

(A/n: guess who's learning what ^^ I'm revealing it further ahead lol)


Kushina and Minato were a little troubled by the request.. would naruto and naoki even understand if they explained how it worked and how to properly mold their chakra for it to work..

"Please~" the twins begged

Both kushina and Minato didn't have the heart to reject the request.. not when they gave them the puppy eyes.. they gave in and decided to teach them.. well they'll try to..


A time span from almost 12 months past and the twins really started getting the hang of it.

Naruto was able to summon at leas one chain effortlessly and two chains depending on his amount of chakra and concentration in molding the chains.

Naoki had a bit more difficulties with hiraishin. She could easily make the seals and mark it on people and things but teleporting itself was very straining for her.. she'd get tired after teleporting once and completely drained after teleporting twice

In a span from around 12 months it all may seem like slow progress and achievements, but for 5 year olds it was very impressive.

Naoki and naruto weren't the only ones training hard. The fellow Uchiha their age was also working hard to become more like his older brother and to impress his hard boiled father, who only had eye for perfection.. which was Itachi in his eyes..

The three, naoki, naruto and sasuke would almost always train together, sometimes even hinata would come along.. but barely..

Hinata was in a very strict household that wouldn't let her go outside much, and when they did it was almost always with a guard.. Naoki would sometimes just sneak hinata away from her compound and bring her back before people noticed.. well that's what naoki would want to happened.. most of the time she'd just gets caught..


It was a beautiful day and mostly sunny day but just because the sun shone brightly didn't mean it was warm.. in fact it was the opposite, the day was rather cold with snow on the ground but that didn't stop the twins from going outside to have fun

The twins made plans with their friends to hang out and play today. The group of friend existed of Naoki, naruto, sasuke and hinata. At first Itachi and shisui planned to come to but a mission was suddenly proposed and they couldn't reject.

Namikaze Naoki || Uchiha ItachiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum