Chapter 5

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'Hey kit! Wake up!'

'What? Why is something wrong..' he replied sleepily

'The kid and her friend are being taken somewhere!!' Kurama warned the just awoken boy

'Naoki? friend? Taken?'


It took him some time to properly comprehend the words the fox told him.. but when he did he panicked..


'Nii... help..' naoki cried

This made naruto wide awake, the first thing he did was rush to his parents' room. He saw the two sleeping peacefully, he shouted for help at them but they would wake up.. he went up to them and shook them drastically.. but no change of movements...

"Kaa-chan!? Tou-chan!? W-wake u-up" the boy said with a shaky voice

naruto was now on the point of freaking out.. at one side of konoha his little sister and hinata were being kidnapped.. and here on his side he had two parents.. looking pretty unconscious.. he didn't know how to confirm if they were still breathing.. he really thought they were dead.... he kept shaking them tears falling down, but nothing

'Kit, don't worry they're alive.. for now.. but if you don't hurry the other two won't be..' kurama said sharply

Naruto stopped with the shaking and while still crying opened the closed window. He, without thinking of any plan first ran out and jumped from roof to roof. He had seen it so many times, so he had little to no problem jumping roof to roof.

The supposed anbu weren't on them since they never were when it was the twins' bedtime and when even one of the parents themselves were home..

Naruto continued moving. It was dark and he couldn't see well.. also partly because of the tears, he relied on kurama's directions and leaped straight forward.

'Okay, stop! They should be coming here soon'

Naruto did as told and stopped, he was close to the compound and then saw a man's silhouette, he carried something which naruto guesses was naoki and hinata

"Let go!-mhmm.." naoki tried to shout but her mouth was held shut before she could finish her sentence

It was at this time naruto knew he had done goofed, the man took him too..

naruto came without a plan and didn't think of any ways to counterattack the kidnapper.. not like there was any time to think of one anyways... plus he was three, what he could do was very limited..

'Kurama...' Naoki cried out

'I'm sorry but in this state I can't do much.. lets hope that whatever your parents are drugged with, it'll wear off soon enough to save us..' kurama said hoping to make them feel a bit more hopeful..

'I-I.. forgot his kunai..' she continued..

'I don't have it either..' naruto added

'I'll try contact hachibi..'

'Okay.. we're counting on you, kurama' the twins told their giant fox friend


The man was able to reach the forest, but much further he didn't go. Killer bee stopped him, it didn't break out into a big fight since the man backed away the moment he knew it was killer bee.

The kidnapper was the head ninja of kumogakure.. soon the hokage, some hyugas and kushina arrived at the scene too.. the man was taken to the terror and interrogation force for further questioning.

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