Chapter 9

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It was late and naruto wasn't home.. naoki, who was home got worried.. Minato at this time was still in his office dealing with the devil called paperwork and Kushina still hadn't returned from her mission...

Naoki felt that something was off.. there was no explanation to the feeling, she just felt off.. that made her worry more. Naoki decided to look for her brother, the first place she went to was the Uchiha compound.

She walked on a steady pace to the compound, everything was normal and all but that changed when she felt a menacing vibe in the air.. the air got thicker and thicker the closer she was to the Uchiha compound..

Naoki suffocated by how thick and dangerous the surrounding felt.. she just wanted to get rid of it.. but didn't know how.. Her breaths got shorter and she was getting too let in by the vibe

'Kid! Snap out of it' kurama yelled making her focus more on resisting the menacing air

'Thanks, kurama' she said to him

She regained her composure and began breathing normally again. She continued to slowly make her way to the Uchiha compound.

naoki also noticed the moon more than she would normally have.. it looked bigger? and the sky was dark but slightly red.. she didn't like where this was going..

She sneaked a glance at the compound.. naoki fell back, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.. blood everywhere, bodies everywhere.. and noises of people fighting, screaming and crying all together..

Naoki stood up and felt sick in her stomach.. the thought of throwing up was very appealing at the moment..

Then appeared the man who had caused it, a man with the mask Naoki was familiar with. That very person was obito..

Obito was walking around as if he was walking in his own house looking for his lost keys.. but instead of keys he was looking for survivors.. breathing people..

Just before he could slaughter more people minato came with a team of anbu, jonins and you name it..

Minato looked very conflicted, obito was harming the village.. again.. meaning he did it before.. and obito himself didn't look like he was willing to talk to an agreement...

Minato went in to attack the former student but obito sank into the ground like a ghost.

Naoki unfortunately made eye contact with obito before he disappeared, he looked very empty.. naoki was starting to get dizzy and her senses were getting misty..

Then Obito appeared before her and stared down at her like before, with his sharingan fully activated. Naoki, who was looking in the eyes fell unconscious.. obito was reaching for the girl but fortunately someone, an anbu, took her first and went somewhere safe.

The anbu sneaked into the namikaze residence trough the window and placed naoki in her bed, another anbu followed and placed an unconscious sasuke accompanied by an unconscious naruto also in the bed

The anbu's looked at each other and nodded at each other before returning to the battlefield.

That night would be known as the Uchiha incident from this day on.


The next day the three woke up at the same time. It took some time before they got hit my reality..

"What in kami-sama's name happened.. I-I can't remember.." Naoki said while holding her aching head

Naoki woke up with a small blank space in her memory.. everything was still vivid except the person she saw.. she couldn't remember who he was no matter how hard she tried to think..

Naruto looked down at first, the same applied to him. He had a blank space in his mind, but he remembered even less than naoki.. 

Everything was hazy to him, but he was sure he saw bodies soaked in their own blood.. he also saw a person but like naoki he couldn't remember the person..

"I.. don't.. know.. sasuke do you remember anything?." naruto aksed still a bit confused himself just shaking from the memory

"I-i don't." sasuke choked out, he was still in shock and fear of what happened before him

Out of the three sasuke had it the worst, before he was unconscious he saw the people getting killed.. right before his eyes.. not only that but his parents trying to protect him and his mom got severely injured..

he.. he couldn't do anything and had to be protected.. he remembered a little bit but it wasn't helpful.. the last thing he saw was his precious older brother and cousin with the culprit that fought his parents

(A/n: itachi and shisui are cousins in this story)

They all went silent, only the chirping birds were heard.. but that soon ended when someone knocked on the door.

"Sasuke, naoki, naruto!"

the three rushed to the door and opened it, it revealed fugaku. He looked distressed but slightly relieved to see the three.. alive..

"Tou-san/oji-san" They all exclaimed jumping the poor man

"Thank god you all are alright" he said finally sighing in relief

Sasuke had many questions

"Tou-san, where are kaa-san ni-san and shisui" sasuke asked

"Itachi and shisui were missing during the attack" fugaku said bitter.. He tried to not give too much detail since it wouldn't do them good

"Your mother is alright, she's resting right now."

Sasuke was relieved to hear that his mother was alright but.. he couldn't believe what his dad just said.. both itachi and shisui went missing?! His mind automatically made an unbelievable connection..

did itachi and shisui do it? He thought

Naruto was in a similar state and thought progress.. he didn't want to believe it, it must've been a misunderstanding of some sort..

Naoki believed they didn't do it, but she had slight doubts.. it was a fact they had been acting weird recently, but she still firmly believed they wouldn't have caused harm for the village they loved..
But if it were them.. they must've had a good reason...

Many children didn't attend the academy for some days, that including sasuke, naruto and naoki. They got the free time to figure out their thoughts and aslo to calm down from everything.

The following days went by very fast.

Many injured uchihas recovered physically from the accident, their mental state was somewhat still damaged from seeing their loved ones being robbed from their lives..

Konoha officials ruled itachi and shisui as the culprits as they were the only ones who fled away from konoha after the incident... but nothing on danzo, who also was absent that day on that time, thought he did come back and denied everything.. minato still firmly believed danzo was involved.. somehow..

After some even more time Naoki, naruto and sasuke both went back to the academy, training to get stronger and wiser.. And before you now it, graduation was near.


Okay that wraps up the childhood arc~

Hope you enjoyed it✨

And just a heads up, it's still unclear if I can update the following 2/3 weeks.. I have exams.. I'll try my best ^^

Oh and thanks to everyone still reading this story (๑・̑◡・̑๑) it makes writing more fun when there're people who read 💕

Comment, vote and till next time

🐼Panda out

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