To help overcome Depression

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How to help someone with depression:
Be there, listen and be patient.
Do physical things(if u or someone else has it)
Don't blame yourself or push them.
Do not ever say others have it worse.
See or encourage them to see therapist or psychiatrist or psychologist (If u or someone else has it)
If your doctor gives you medication, try it. It might not work at first. Give it a chance. Do not change the dosage or go off it without talking to whoever prescribed it. Sometimes it might not work or the side effects are too much and that's ok. You will be recommended to go off it slowly, but don't be discouraged. You can try other medication. (With a prescription of course)
If you feel like someone is in immediate danger or yourself is in danger, try to go to a psychiatric hospital. But be careful about calling the police as they are known to respond inappropriately to mental health crisis.
If one has suicidal thoughts take it seriously.
Learn about it.
Do things that make you happy (if u have it)

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