2 } The Bad Boy Calls Me Aluminium

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I glanced back at him to see his leaning back with his head resting on his hands that lay behind his neck, bored as ever. And sexy as ever, just please.. impregnate me, we will have beautiful kids. His eyes flickered to me which cut my thoughts short and made me looked forward quickly and drop my - thankfully closed - pencil case. "Aluminium right?"

Confused, I looked at him, "what?" I leaned down and picked up my pencil case before looking at him as his eyes looked into mine. His beautiful green eyes.

"Aluminium right?"

"What?" Don't say 'aluminium right?' again, I swear.

"Your name, it's aluminium right."

"Wha- no! My names Amelia!" Did he just call me a freaking metal? Aluminium is so boring what the fuck! "I mean who's name's even Aluminium?"

"Nah Aluminium," he carried on repeating is as if seeing how it felt on his tongue, "I like it," Mr Simmons told us to be quiet before playing the Romeo and Juliet on the whiteboard. Ironic. I huffed, maybe because it was him, but my snappy tone came out that I thought made me look cool.

"Call me Aluminium again and I'll rip your balls of, bad boy or not," he whistled as if he was impressed, I turned back to the front as I tried to watch the screen. Dude, you just told him that your gonna rip his balls off.

"Ouch Aluminium, but you'd never be able to catch me short stack," I looked back as he smirked to himself, watching the screen looking as if he didn't give a care in the world. Ugh everyone always attacks the height.

"I would in fact," I told him, no sorry, I lied. But I had to look good in front of him! Don't judge me man.

I can feel your judging eyes.

Look away until you've stopped your judging.

"Is that so?" He returned his gaze back at me, he eyed my body and he bit his lip, he bit his lip, at me. He loves me already! Or am I over analysing? Maybe, maybe, doubt it but maybe. But can I just point out and Tyson Anders just eyed me. It made me feel good and insecure as the same time. He's changing me already.

"Yeah," I paused, thinking about what to say next, "I er, was actually the fastest runner in my old school," oh lord. Where the fuck did that lie come from? I'm pretty sure I was the slowest runner in my old school.

"Oh really?" Unsure whether I should continue to lie or not, I pretended to ignore him. I tried to watch the movie but I could feel him looking at me. His leg nudged mine which just sent me on a complete overload,

"Aluminium don't ignore me," he started rocking on his foot which made his leg continuously rub against mine.

"Yes, I came first in all my races," I blurted out, damn you sexy legs that are connected to a sexy body and sexy other things... and as if by queue, he pulled his leg away.

"Ah, interesting Aluminium," he winked at me before getting comfortable again, before he closed his eyes he said, "wake me up Aluminium."

"It's Amelia!" I turned to face him once more in annoyance, but he was already snoring. Jeez that was fast. By the end of the lesson, Tyson had woken up because Mr Simmons made him so luckily I didn't actually have to wake him up myself. Second period went by quick and I was still buzzing about the fact that I spoke to Tyson Anders for the first time and that he winked at me and... touched me.

I went to my Maths teacher for break and was just being his slave for the whole break. Damn you Mr Fellas. Damn you.. Then I had to go to third which thankfully flew by quick and then finally lunchtime. Food my love I have been waiting for you. Before I could tell Tricia and Jonah what had happened in first but I had to go to lunch and buy a drink because I was thirsty.

For Tyson.

Yes, this is true subconscious. But I need water before I start wheezing.

I walked into the canteen and got my bottle of water, I kinda got knocked over by some random guy but it was okay. I looked around as I walked away and saw Tyson on his lunch table with a bunch of his friends as they all looked at me. I looked at them, my head tilting as they just stared.

Told you I'm beautiful.

My eyes locked with Tyson as I was walking out which made me trip into the cleaners trolley, the corner went straight into my hip.

Or my hip went straight into the trolleys corner?

Yeah it was me.. the trolley can't move.

What goes through Amelia Saunders's mind.

After that embarrassment, I looked at them once more and saw Tyson shake hands with his a guy that I recognised as Kai before them both glancing at me once more. Strange. I walked down to my locker to put my bag inside then I was going to meet Jonah and Tricia by the field but halfway there I was stopped.

"Hey," an unfamiliar voice said behind me, I carried on walking thinking it wasn't for me. "Hello!" I turned around this time but stopped short when I came face to face with the schools bad boy. Tyson Anders. Again.

"Me?" I asked, I looked around, why on Earth would he be talking to me at lunch time, I mean yeah I understand English but now. He loves me already.

"Well I mean, last time I checked, I was talking to you," his sarcastic tone kicked in, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"And why are you talking to me?"

"Well," he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the classroom before closing the doors. I looked around, panicking slightly, realising I was alone with Tyson Anders. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. "Take it off," I ordered.

"What?" Oh Jesus.

"What?" I replied, hoping he would forget that I just ordered him to take his shirt off. Thankfully, he started talking again, his mouth was moving but I didn't quite hear what he was saying as I stared in awe at him. But then I heard the words, "yeah so I kinda I made a bet on you."

"Come again?"

"Yeah, I kinda betted that you could beat Sasha Lawrence in a race..."


The bad boy bet on me?

*French voice man thing*

Second chapter is up hehehe

QOTD - "I don't do drugs. I am drugs."

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