15 } A British Bad Boy Kidnapped Me

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Cover by @-librocubicularist

Song featured is Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield

*four months later*

Well hello there my fellow people, Amelia Saunders is back better than ever...

Not that I really went anywhere.

It's been four months since the the new year. Four months since Tyson Anders had spoken to me. And four months since Damon Lloyds and I began a relationship together.

Everything is fucking great,

Up until now.

Remember that guy Mason? British guy who used to be friends with the boys then got caught in drug business and now has made it his business to kill my boys? Yeah well I've been kidnapped by him.

      I mean, all I was trying to do was buy a freaking Starbucks and bam!

     He literally just came out of nowhere.

"Why am I here?" I asked as I sipped on my Cream Caramel Frappuccino.

What? I wasn't going to waste my money.

"Well I assume you know why your here luv,"

"Well they're gonna come for me, watch." I rolled my eyes as I slurped my drink and trying to get my straw to pick up the cream as I hummed. "I got a pocket full a pocket full of sunshine, I got a love and I know that it's all mine.. oh... oowoah."

*Francois Dubois*
Half an howa leta


"Wrong words,"

"Ugh, did I ask you?" I scoffed and tried to drink the few drops left in my Starbucks cup, "they're coming, watch."

*Francois Dubois*
Won howa leta

"Do what you want but your never gonna never gonna shake me, sticks and stones are never gonna break me. Oh.. oowoah,"

"It's the other way round,"


*Francois Dubois*
Too howas leta

"Am I annoying you yet?" I asked, Starbucks cup far away from me now,

"Not. At. All," he proudly smirked.


*Francois Dubois*
Three howas leta

"What bout now?"



*Francois Dubois*
Fyve howas leta

"Take me away..." I trailed off crying, I can't take it no more. I've been singing that stupid song for over a century now.

"Seems like you've annoyed yourself," I looked up as Mason and slitted my eyes at him,

"I'll find another song, don't you worry." I got up from the chair and walked around the place we were in, "where are we?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Mason, my man," oh boy, "British to fellow Britain," that doesn't make sense but keep going. "Maybe we can help each other out?" I playfully punched his super muscly bicep but he looked at me then trailed down to my hand that was currently touching his shoulder.

Awkwardly pulling it away I walked back, there was bound to be a door somewhere. "So what part are you from? In the U.K.?" I asked,

Does this count as a distraction? I don't know. Let's keep going.


"Really? Oh my god, me too!" I tried my wow I'm genuinely interested voice, amused, he turned to face me and leant on the wall.

"Mason-" I jumped and turned to see a guy,

... And a door.

"Want food?" He asked, ugh why do you have to bring up food? Now I'm hungry.


"Me too," I smiled, the guy looked at me making my smile falter.

I just wanted food, jeez.

I waited a while after the guy had gone and "talked" to Mason for a while and then it was time. At one point, I pointed out that his lace was undone as I was standing by the door, he leant down and I bolted.

It's time to run.


This has to stop happening to me.

I dashed outside and I was in the middle of a freaking forest. I could see a random car next to me, ignoring it I ran forward. "Hey! Come back!" I heard him shout but ain't no bitch gonna catch me today.

And it was obvious I was gonna have to get my own ass out of this mess. I ran past what seemed like thousands of trees and I think I lost him.

I looked back, examining my surroundings feeing like a true explorer here. But then I heard a faint noise, what is it? My subconscious inquired.

I not know... then out of no where guess what is coming at me? Just guess.

       A fucking car

I screamed and started running forward, his window was open as he shouted. "Your not gonna lose me!"

"Yes I will! I'm a champ runner," as we all know. Trees were falling beside me, "your killing the friggin trees you psycho!" My voice broke mid sentence, a psycho was coming after me in a car and i was on foot. Please, oh lord above come save me, I jumped over a rock and twigs, "if you don't leave me alone I'll climb!"

"I'll climb too then," this guy was really starting to annoy me.

I'm gonna kill him after I run away from him.

After what seemed like forever, I ran into a hard thing, don't be him, don't be him. "Aluminium,"

"Take me away...," I sung before fainting.


*Francois Dubois*
Time jump, Oo.

And #460 in teen fiction. I'm so happy right now. Thanks for your support guys ❤️

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