21 } The Bad Boy Slept With Me

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I couldn't sleep, no part of me wanted a blink of sleep. This is my worst nightmare ever.

        Heh, pun intended.

I sighed and looked toward my right at Tyson who now faced me with his mouth slightly opened as he snored a little. The good side of me knew that this was all wrong. Very bad, tutut.

But.. hehe, the other bad side of me was low-key loving this.

      But I shouldn't be which was the bad thing.

"Fuck sakes," I couldn't help but swear at the world and karma because IVE DONE SHIT IN MY LIFE TO DESERVE IT.

       Well maybe that one time last year but whatever.

I'M A GOOD PERSON. I am. I do believe I'm good. I do. I do. I do believe I'm good. I do. I do.

Those who do not recognise my mental mantra, shame on you. Sighing, I sat up and got out of the bed before making my way through the door and towards the kitchen open to the living room.

I got a random cup from the cupboard and filled it up with water. I leaned back on the counter and looked out at the window, there was nothing really which was kinda boring but whatever.

       Life's being a bitch lately.

I mean, if this was January Amelia, she'd literally be jumping on Tyson right now and well. Hehe. But then there's Damon and unfortunately my guilty conscience is a bit too- "what are you doing up?" I looked at Tyson as he rubbed his eyes, leaning against the doorframe.

"Water," I said before sipping on it, "you can go back to sleep, I'll be back in a bit," but instead he walked over to me and caged me in the corner of the counters with his arms.

"What's up Amelia?" He asked, cutting to the chase,

"Nothing," I huffed. He sighed and leaned forward looking at me, not interested in my avoiding his question. His face was unbearably close as I looked at him, switching between both green orbs.

Don't do it, don't do it, do not fucking do- great. Without much thought I quickly leaned toward him and smashed my lips on his, ugh I'm terrible. He quickly reacted and kissed me back, I put the cup down next to me and let my hands wrap round his neck as he pushed me up on to the counter as we made out senseless.

He slowly pushed me toward him as my legs wrapped around his torso and walked us toward the bedroom, closing the door after us. He gently lay me on to my back as he hovered on top of me, our mouths in a jumble with each other as his hands travelled down from my waist to my thighs. I pulled my top off before grabbing his face once more, oh no.

My hands attacked his jeans but he grabbed my hands and pushed them above my head, pulling away slightly, "I don't want you to do this if you don't want to." He started, "I don't want to be a rebound with you Amelia, I care for our relationship too much to ruin it between us."

I looked into his eyes as he stared into mine, then all those memories came flooding back from when I first saw him, to when I first saw him laugh and our eye contact. Then when he walked into our English class and those happy feelings flooded my stomach then he sat next to me and I thought it was fate.

When he called me aluminium for the first time, that one time when we were all at his house and playing hide and seek and he was a seeker and even though he saw me he pretended not to just so I could win so I could win that stupid bet with Hunter.

When he took me to get ice cream that one time because I was craving it and then when I bumped in to him in the woods when I was running from Mason. When he nearly got shot and I ran in front because I just had to. Trust me this was the longest second I had ever had in my life.

After all those quick flashes of memories flew by, I nodded, it was him I wanted. "Your not, your not a rebound, I want this to be our relationship." Without another word his lips attached to mine once more and soon after all our clothes were on the floor and well.

        I did the deed guys. With Tyson Anders.

Francois Dubois

Oh ma focking gawd.

QOTD - "Dont waste your time looking back on the things you could have done. Move on for life is not meant to be travelled backwards."

A/N - if you wanted like more deets, I'm sorry like I could do it but I'm not sure if you as readers want that kinda thing. Just use your imaginations, I did to be fair hehe.

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