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I am Number Ten Part 2

        The field is covered in daisies. The flower that always reminds me of Annie. I know immediately this is our home. The planet I dream about and long to travel to again. This is our Lorien. I lay here with the other Garde, even the ones that have been murdered by the Mogadorians. We are all enjoying our time for there is no more war or violence. There is only peace around us.

        The other Garde lounge around me in relaxation and serenity. We lay in the field with a light breeze engulfing all of us and keeping us cool. There is the boy I've known for so long as my friend. He soars above us, doing fancy flips in the air for our amusement. A bird follows him closely, trying to show up the boy. All at once, the bird changes into a cross between a hawk and a butterfly and flies gracefully out of my vision.

        A girl with raven hair is creating a fire with her hands. She is strong and beautiful; her stormy eyes reflect the growing flames. She lifts her head and stares at the boy flying above and shoots a gust of wind up at him. The boy does not sway from his course and simply sticks his tongue out at her. Another boy, no much older than 18 walks over and kisses the raven-haired girl on the head and leans down next to her. The grab each other's hands and the girl lies her head on his shoulder.

        Another girl with short dark hair unwraps something on her lap and hands it to the raven-haired girl. She is beautiful too and very tall. Her face is soft and gives off the element of curiosity. She begins to float objects above her head, like she is sorting them, before holding them above the fire. A boy with long black hair is standing on a tree like he would on the ground. His eyes glitter with mischief and his body radiates confidence and strength. He tosses what looks like a Frisbee to another boy out in the field but the wind carries it out of his grasp. This boy runs after the disc. Then he vanishes. He briefly re-appears next to the girl with short hair, gives her a kiss and vanishes again. He pokes his head from the top of a tree and snags the disc from mid-flight. Another Garde sits close to me. She has her nose in a book and ignoring the other excitement around her. The fading sunlight catches her freckles and reddish-auburn hair that makes her curls shine. She seems shy and twitchy but no less pretty or skilled. She leans against another boy with darker skin. His eyes are soft and gentle as a puppy's. He gently convinces her to lie in his lap and he strokes her hair gently between his fingers.

       Another Garde and a young blonde woman walk into my vision. They hold hands together and watch as the Garde shines his palm into the air. His sharp beam of blue light contrasts against the rosy pink sky and creates a target for the boy who is airborne. He flies through the beams and keeps everyone entertained. Another girl, someone smaller and more youthful than the others, skips into view. She holds her hands to the sky and a multitude of bright colours streak across the display per her instruction. Colours ranging from soft lilac to baby blue spring to life and seem to dance across the sky. Our eyes follow the images with wonder and awe.

        Another blonde girl comes running up to us, her hand grasping an unusually pale boy with an abnormally large nose. His face is somewhat evil and even devilish. But the smile plastered across his face and the lively eyes of the Garde put my worries at rest. The couple runs up to the younger Garde and lift her up onto their shoulders. They carry her like the champion of a football game and the display of colours become more and more elaborate.

     I myself lay in the lap of a very handsome boy. I have strung a series of daisies in an elaborate pattern with the intention of giving it to the youngest Garde. The boy I lay with is not Garde but human and he strokes my luscious blonde locks with gentle fingers. His face is slightly blurry but his captivating brown eyes stare lovingly into my face. I can't help but smile and allow the warm glowing feeling to spread through my body. We keep our eyes locked on each other trying to drown out the colourful display and continuous excitement going on around us. The world is our own and the boy leans down every so slowly. My body heats up and my heart skips a couple beats. Our faces slowly come within inches of each other. I shut my eyes.

        I smell something bitter and hot; too hot for human breath. My eyes flutter open and I am staring into very dark eyes. Not warm and intriguing but soulless and cold. I immediately push back with all my strength. The handsome boy I was about to kiss has transformed into him. The figure that haunts all my dreams these days has returned and has me in my most vulnerable state. His cold and sour breath stings my eyes and I immediately struggle to get free. It doesn't take long for me to see the three glowing pendants around his neck and notice that my nose is inches from his hideous purple scar. I immediately scream out and struggle to escape but he has his clawed hand around my own pendant that glows extremely brightly. He lifts me from the ground and I see that the field has caught fire and all the Garde has vanished. I begin to cry and I scream out for help. No one comes to my aid and I am helplessly dangling from his hand.

     He lifts me up to meet his eyes. I try to avoid his glance like he's Medusa and he will turn me into stone.

"You may have the others fooled but I know of your existence." The figure says and smiles, showing me his yellowing teeth. " the rest of your filthy species will perish. You all will perish as easily as your ancestors did and including that useless infant Anali..." He raises his hand and something nearby explodes. He laughs manically but all I can hear is my own heartbeat.

        Immediately I snap! Those tears of fear turn into anger. My pendant glows the brightest I've ever seen it do so. I claw at the figure's hand to distract and I aim my free foot at the pulsing purple scar. The first time I miss but the figure is too busy creating destruction to notice me. 

     Suddenly, I am wearing a slick black suit made of leather. It fits me like a glove and I feel powerful. I can barely see that I am now wearing heels. I cling to my pendant and I turn Loralite. My entire body, including my outfit, turn a harsh blue and we are all glowing. I now feel extremely powerful. I swing my entire body, twisting my pendent chain a few times and I dig my heel into the scar. The figure roars in pain and I'm able to flip out of his grip. It's a long way down but I manage to land safely. 

        As soon as I land, I stare up at the towering figure. He continues to clutch his throat. I remain in my blue state and stare him down. All at once, the Garde are back. They stand with me. They all have determined expressions and all their pendants are glowing too. We feel powerful and we will stop this...person together. I raise my hand and the Garde copy me. I close my eyes... 

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