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        I wake up to a blinding light. I can feel someone holding me and cool hands run through my hair. I hear a voice and I see two milk chocolate brown eyes.

"What happened?" I ask softly.

"I hit you,"  Blake says. "And what a hit it was"

"Very funny" I murmured, trying to get up. Immediately a sharp pain goes through my side, it's so intense that I have to lie down again.

"You need to rest. The bullet may have partially hit you, but there was still shrapnel that I had to clean out," he says, putting a hand on my chest to push me back down.

"You saved me" I breath out.

"I've watched tonnes of medical shows, so I kind of know first aid and I was a boy scout, and the scoutmaster showed me how to clean and remove things from wounds."

"A regular survivalist" I smile and I roll onto the side that doesn't hurt.

"What the hell happened out there? I thought you were in the zone."

"I saw something...images really, feelings or impressions. I think it was what the other Garde were seeing, a skeleton, a pendant and someone screaming Adelina..."

"Sounds Italian" Blake murmurs giving me some water. I take slow sips and I look up at him.

"So...I guess training is done for a bit...?"

"Until I recover...but you should still be shooting up a storm while I get some R&R"

"Sounds long as I don't have to shoot at you again."

We're quiet for a moment and I hold his bloody hand.

"What do you think the visions mean?" Blake asks softly.

I stop and lift up my pendant.

"I think it means the Garde is on the move and Lorien wants me to find them"

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