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        The first few hours are lonely and grey. I stop for gas a few miles later and I get something to eat. I try to look nonchalant but I still see people staring at me. What can they do? The worst they can suspect of me is that I'm a teenage runaway that stole her parents' car and is using their credit card to buy gas. 

        I start shivering in the cold when I notice someone. He's staring at me like I'm on display. I can tell right off the bat that he is not Mog. He's dressed like any teenager would be in weather like this. He wears a black, waterproof jacket and no hat. His gaze is more curious and less suspicious than other peoples' usual glance at me. I try to ignore him but I can feel his gaze even with my back turned. I'm slightly annoyed by it but I steal another glance. Something else bubbles up inside of me. Something...warm. The minute our eyes meet again I turn away and I feel my face turning red. What's happening to me? I've never felt this way before is slightly... comforting. 

        I decide to get some food for the road from the station but the chips are up way too high. I desperately want to use my telekinesis but I need to keep a low profile. I try to reach them on my toes but it does no good. All at once a strong but soft hand grabs them for me and hands them over. I stare up, knowing who it is already. When I see his face fully, I stop. He looks like the guy from my dream. His eyes are a warm milk chocolate and his face is strong and sturdy. He looks like he's been through a lot but at the same time...there is an innocence to his face. I immediately try to snap back to reality but my head and stomach are swimming.

"T-Thank you" I stammer, never taking my eyes off his. I can feel my face turning red and a brush a lock of hair away from my face like almost flirting. What is wrong with me? I need to focus on my goal... I don't have a goal at the moment... but a't...

"No problem," he says. His voice is deep but at the same time smooth.

"I-I... They put these things up to high" I say, trying to start a conversation. 

"I...I know," he says. God! Does he feel as nervous as I do?

"Are...are you new in town?" he asks.

"Sorta," I say, grinding my teeth together, trying to figure out what to say.

"You look like you needed someone to talk to," he says, leaning against the stand of chips.

"I guess I do" I finish. I want to leave but..but I can't seem to.

"So... what are you doing all the way out here in the middle of nowhere?" He asks.

"I...I" I really try to lie but just something... something about him makes me want to tell the truth. "To be honest... I really don't know."

"I...wish I knew what that was like," he says, staring off into the distance.

        I never get to respond because the stand he was leaning against goes clattering to the floor and the contents spill everywhere. Immediately, we get on our hands and knees and start to scavenge what's left of the bags. The ones ripped, I offer to pay for and the others we set back up on the stand. While we pick up the remains, we both reach our hands over and our fingers touch. His fingers are cold and thin but very strong. I feel my heart race and the blood rush to my face. It is a brief encounter before I pull my hand away.

        What is wrong with me? I...I promised Annie no more connections. It only leads to heartbreak and depression; you barely made it through the last one without tapping to Loric's energy for your confidence. And yet...I can't seem to help myself around him. We finish cleaning up and I carry the torn chip remains towards my car. 

"Wait up!" the guy says. He's following me and carrying more remains of chip bags

"Do you seriously think I can eat all of this?" I ask.

" doesn't hurt and from what I can tell, wherever you need the energy"

I finish unloading my arms and turn to face him.

"Keep some..." I insist, "I have to stop eating all this junk anyway."

"Nah...I don't need 'em," There is a lengthy pause then between us.

" long are you staying?" he asks. I can tell from his rushing thoughts that he wants to ask me out for a drink. I suddenly notice my mind reading legacy. It was if I forgot it for those few...

"To be honest, I really don't know," I say leaning against the passenger door.

"Well..." he bites his lip hard, "If know... are planning to stay...I could...I could..."

"Show me around?' I prompt him. He seems surprised by my suggestion.

"Or..or...whatever you know..."

        I place my finger towards his mouth to silence him. I feel weird this passion? I lean in close that our noses practically touching.

"I'm...I'm hungry right now... do you know a good burger joint around here?"

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