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        I awake with a jolt and look at the toxic mess that is the ceiling.

        I drenched in sweat and I've noticed that I fell off the couch. I have a mouth full of dust and dirt. I roll over and I see Blake staring at me with wide eyes.

"Did I wake you?" I ask meekly, trying to make a joke.

"I- I woke up and you were boiling hot. Your necklace was glowing like crazy and your eyes were rolling back in their sockets. You were screaming like there was no tomorrow. I tried to soothe you but you broke from my hug and started to convulse on the ground. I didn't know what to do so I let you work your way through it. You scared the hell out of me and I think a few rats too."

        I push up from the ground and put my arms around him. The dream, once again, felt too real. I just need to hold Blake for as long as possible. I can tell he's freaked so I decide to tell him.

"I-it's been tormenting me for months now...some guy or ruler is tormenting my dreams. He shows me bizarre visions of people I've met and sometimes...I see you... being killed to torment me but tonight...I fought back ...I pictured the Garde with me and we were powerful enough to save Earth and Lorien. I think that is his greatest fear is for us to reunite and be able to stop this war.'' I run my fingers through my hair and sigh.

''I think he's trying to get me to surrender, why me...I can't say but I do know that he's coming to Earth and he gave me some kind of prophecy.''

"What was it?"

        I stop and think...the words are ingrained in my mind. "Three are dead, a fourth is soon to follow and one of your own will betray you... We've captured one before and now we've caught another. One Garde is grossly unprepared and the two that have met make the others fair game!!" I run my fingers through my hair and let some tears fall.

"How long will I have to watch you die before it comes true" I sob and turn away from Blake.

"Chistina...listen..." he grabs my arm and pulls me to him. "I'm staying with matter what...I love you and that's all we need. That guy is just trying to scare you. You won't lose me because I'll be beside you the whole time...I promise." I look up at him and I pull him close. We kiss for a long time and I break up.

"But your life is a risk and I can't ask you to..." 

        He interrupts me. "I'm here and that's that! I have nothing left at home and you saved my butt from my dad and those pasty-faced..." I just hug him to shut him up. 

"I love you," I say to him.

"I love you too," he says. "Besides, this is way better than playing clarinet in band or solving algebra"

I smile. "I didn't know you were musically gifted."

"More like musically impaired. I suck at that thing!"

        We laugh and I get some branches from outside and start a fire. I play with the fire with my telekinesis. Blake watches mesmerized and I make the flames dance in the air and create shapes in mid-air.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact that you have powers or magic or whatever you call them," he says wrapping us up in a blanket.

"You better get used to it because there are six others like me with the same kind of powers." I grin at him.

We curl up together and fall asleep again.

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