Tired and A Jealous Soulmate || Chapter 9 ||

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Sleep didn't come quickly. I was up most of the night, wondering how I should approach Chat next. Would we just ignore the topic of Adrien? Adrien and I were only friends but I felt guilty, like I had done something wrong and I was trying to figure out why. Maybe this is what Chat meant when he said it felt wrong to have another girl hug him?

I trudged up the stairs to school and looked at it helplessly. I should have just stayed home today to hopefully catch up on some sleep.

"Damn girl, you look like you didn't sleep a wink last night" Alya said, walking over with Nino. I slumped my shoulders and hung my head low in defeat. I was exhausted. Nino put his hand on my shoulder in support and I gave him what I can assume was the most pathetic smile in the history of pathetic smiles.

I was led into the classroom and I could barely pick my feet up off the ground. I whined quietly at the sight of Chloe, not wanting to deal with her while I was this tired. Alya chuckled before she went and sat next to a sleeping Marinette. Oh, how I envied Marinette right now.

"Ha, look at what the cat dragged in" Chloe high pitched voiced stated, piercing my eardrums harshly and I flinched, walking past, and pushing her face away from mine. This caused her to squeal and rant while I blocked her out.

I fell into my chair and Nathanael gave me a look of pity. I placed my elbows on the desk and held my eyes open just to amuse him. He snorted and quickly hid in his hair.

"Naw, my tomato child. Do not hide away. Let your laughter free" I said, putting on a posh accent. He blushed, making his face almost match his hair and I grinned. It was my goal to get Nathanael out of his shell, I wanted to give him confidence and make him comfortable in his own skin. The kid deserves it.

"Miss. Osment could you please stop staring at Mr. Kurtzberg and pay attention to the class?" Ms. Bustier asked, catching my attention. I turned and looked at her, not really hearing what she said but a few people in the class were snickering.

"uh I don't know" I responded, thinking she had asked me question to do with class. Kim and Max cracked up laughing and were wiping under their eyes, Alya fell onto a sleeping Marinette who was then woken up and Nathanael shrunk further into his seat if that was possible. Oh no, what did I say?

I leant over to Nathanael and looked at him desperately.

"Nathanael, what did I just do?" I asked, suddenly very awake. Alya's cackle got louder, making me turn my attention to her. Adrien sat down and looked around confused.

"Riva, girl I love you but you are killing me" she said struggling to breathe. Ms. Bustier tried to calm down the class to the best of her ability but decided to let them laugh it out. I looked at her confused, wondering what kind of trouble I could have gotten myself into with that simple response.

"Ms. Bustier asked if you could stop staring at Nathanael and all you said was 'I don't know' " Alya laughed, wiping her eyes. I headbutted the desk, groaning in embarrassment. Why did I have to decide to go to school today? Why? I brought my arms up around my head and kept them there, blocking out everyone. But a hand rubbing my back was nice. I slightly turned my head, seeing Nathanael giving me an awkward smile. And I gave him a thankful one back.

School today just continued like that for the rest of the day. With me, falling over my words or zoning out completely. And now I was supposed to hang out with Nino, Kim and Max. I was honestly so tired that I didn't care what was coming out of my mouth anymore as long as it could scrape by as a sentence.

"Dude, you kissed that cute blonde?! No way" Nino exclaimed, drawing me back into the conversation. Cute blonde? Kim smirked and nodded his head up and down. Max looked genuinely shocked and Nino had a grin plastered across his face.

"That's what 8 girls now?" Max asked. What? I ran my hand through my hair, trying to patch the conversation together to understand. Girls, kissing. Oh right.

"8 girls? Geez Kim" I stated, kind of shocked. I didn't even realise he knew 8 girls outside of our class. Kim laughed and scratched his neck, looking down. Nino grinned and bumped me.

"He wasn't always a lady's man. His first kiss was so cringey that it still affects me" Nino said, chuckling heavily. Kim's eyes widened and he looked mildly offended.

"Hey! It wasn't as bad as yours. I at least meant to kiss her, you came flying around the corner and straight into Alya. There goes your lip virginity" Kim deflected. I couldn't stop the laughter that made it's way out. I tried to cover my mouth but laughter just kept coming. Nino grumbled embarrassed and I tried to stop laughing.

"Apparently, Riva and I are the only ones who have had normal first kisses" Max stated proudly. I stopped laughing and blushed deeply. Nino rose an eyebrow and Max looked curious whereas Kim smirked.

"I uh I haven't kissed anyone yet" I said nervously, refusing to meet their eyes. Nino cheered, saying something about his otp being even cuter. Max smiled kindly and Kim looked at me flirty.

"I could fix that for you" he offered. I took a step back and raised my arms, shaking my head. I don't think I could get any more embarrassed than I am right now.

"I don't think so friend. That one's all mine" a familiar voice called out. I whipped around, seeing Chat. He stalked over, looking less than impressed at Kim. Oh Jesus. Why did he have to hear what Kim said? Him of all people?

"Is this that Adrien you told me not to worry about?" Chat asked looking down at me, almost demanding an answer. I immediately shook my head, telling him that was Kim. Nino sniffled and I turned to him concerned, asking what was wrong.

"You're destroying my OTP but this ship is cute so I can't be mad. I have to tell Alya" He stated, pulling out his phone. OTP? I politely excused myself from Kim and Max, leading Chat away from my friends.

"So, what are you doing in my part of town, Chaton?" I asked, joining our arms together and Chat smiled down at me. He explained his latest fight with an akuma victim and how he managed to save Ladybug today. I smiled proudly up at him which seemed to boost his confidence even more.

"So, of course after such a big fight, I wanted to check up on you and I heard what Kim was offering. I couldn't possibly let his lips touch yours when mine haven't even had the chance, could I?"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now