Girl's Night and Soulmates Found Out || Chapter 25 ||

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The small words written on my wrist warmed my heart. It was simple, it was flirty but he was thinking of me. I cradled my wrist to my chest and smiled warmly.

"What is this I see?" Alya asked, jumping off my couch and bounding over. I hastily hid my arm behind my back and pressed myself against the wall, blushing madly. Both Marinette and Alya looked at each other before grinning mischievously and slowly walking towards me.

It wasn't that I wanted to hide away my soulmate but I just thought keeping anything about Adrien and Chat away from the soulmate department was good. It meant that nobody would piece together that Adrien is Chat.

Before I could blink, I was tackled to the floor and my arm held outwards. Marinette squealed in delight before she wouldn't stop hugging me. Alya pulled out a pen and begun writing back.

' of course baby x '

"ALYA" I screeched, flushing a dark red and dying of embarrassment. Adrien was going to read that. I groaned and laid my head down on the ground and closed my eyes, hoping the floor would swallow me up.

"I can't believe you had a soulmate and didn't tell us!" Marinette squealed again, bouncing up and down. I cringed slightly, feeling bad about not telling them but I couldn't do it. I couldn't just tell them who he is, it'd crush Marinette and Alya would be suspicious about Chat.

"I don't know who he is. He allows me to call him 'A' and that's enough for now" I lied. I felt bad about it, I truly did but as Adrien's soulmate, it's my job to protect him from anything that could out his identity.

Both Marinette and Alya slumped when I said I had no idea who he was but they were both excited again within seconds.

' my, my beau, that's a little scandalous '

I groaned loudly, sending a glare at Alya would still held the offending pen in her hand. She grinned sheepishly at me before handing it over. I quickly scribbled down a response, hopping to clear up this incredibly embarrassing mess.


Tonight was going well. My friends found out about my soulmate and Alya dirty talked with him, making him think it was me. I pouted slightly and Marinette booped my lip. I furrowed my eyes at her which caused her to giggle.

"You are so cute" she said between her giggles. I frowned slightly, a light pink dusting my cheeks at the compliment. No matter who complimented me, I couldn't deal well. I became a blushing mess. Alya was laying on her side, facing away from us chuckling loudly. I threw the pen at her, making her laugh louder.

I rolled my eyes and got off the floor, picking up the pen and slumping down on the couch, eyeing off both girls playfully.

' Oh I didn't realise we were at the stage of letting friends know '

I bit my lip and sucked in a sharp breath. I technically didn't tell my friends. Would he be happy talking about me with his if he ever got the chance to? Would he be proud to hopefully one day stand in front of his family and friends and say that I was his soulmate?

I knew I would be proud to introduce him to my dad. If mum was alive he would've already met her. I wouldn't have hesitated.

' It was an accident. I'm sorry A '

I figured apologising would be best. It was hard to tell if he was worried, annoyed or calm about it. So apologising couldn't hurt.

"Movie?" Marinette offered, opening her trap door, and pointing downstairs. I smiled and nodded, nearly falling down the stairs. Alya cackled at my close call and I glared at her. I stuck my nose in the air and swiftly turned towards the couch, causing Marinette to laugh.

I couldn't stop the grin that found its way to my face and I ended up laughing too. We plonked down on the couch and selected a comedy movie, being in a silly kind of mood. We laughed harder than necessary at the movie and probably louder than we should have, potentially irritating Marinette's parents.

Pizza had been delivered and it was delicious. A funny movie, pizza and not having to worry about a stalker knowing where I am, was great. I felt comfortable and relaxed, this being the first time since this morning when I first met Anthony.

"Where does A live?" Marinette questioned over the movie, catching both mine and Alya's attention. I shrugged, picking at a frayed part of my pants.

"Probably France as he's fluent in French" I said, turning back to the movie. I hated lying. I really, truly did. I hated lying and I hated being lied to. Marinette seemed to accept my answer and turned back to the movie while Alya looked intently at me.

I rose an eyebrow questioningly, wondering just what was on her mind. She sighed before adjusting her position on the couch to get comfortable.

"What are you going to do about Chat Noir? Aren't you seeing him?" she asked. Marinette choked slightly and paid extra attention to our conversation. I sighed, knowing I'd probably have to break things off with Chat to keep Alya's suspicions to a minimum but I couldn't hurt him like that. I don't want to have to see his face as I change his world around.

"I honestly don't know what to do" I admitted, being completely honest for once. I had no idea what to do. I wanted to be able to stay with Chat, I wanted to be able to say that Adrien was mine in front of everyone I've ever met. But most importantly, I wanted him by my side always.

Perhaps finding my soulmate so young was going to be a challenge but I was ready to face anything that was thrown at me or at us, I just hope that Adrien is too. I was given sympathetic smiles and we all turned back to the movie. I wonder if I talked to Chat if I should just tell him that I know he is Adrien?

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now