Plagg and Telling Marie || Chapter 32 ||

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I covered my mouth from the shock. My father looked completely serious as he nodded, agreeing to Adrien's rule.

"Of course, it's our job now" he said, patting the blonde's shoulder. Adrien grinned up at my father and I smiled softly, watching the two most important men in my life get along. The only thing missing right now was my mother. It was a bittersweet moment.

Dad dismissed both Adrien and myself, allowing us to head up to my room so we could talk about the impending doom that was Mon Papillon. Adrien sat on my bed, waiting for me to speak. Though I could tell that his nerves were eating him alive.

"I met her today. She approached me in the middle of the street. Adrien, you we're right." I spoke while pacing slightly, trying to keep my head clear. He sat forward quickly, seemingly shocked that I had met the elusive Mon Papillon.

"Right about what?" he asked, obviously hoping that she's a hero like himself and Ladybug. I slumped my shoulders and looked into his emerald green eyes.

"She's not a hero, Chaton" I said softly. He sighed and slumped his shoulders. I sat next to him and put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly. He's Chat Noir and his crime fighting partner is Ladybug, they'll be able to do this. I know they will.

I lent my head onto his shoulder and he gave a small chuckle, turning to look down at me. I smiled up at him and stuck my tongue out, like a child. He gasped before trying to grab hold of it, making me stick it back in my mouth quicker than the speed of light.

"Adriennnnn, can I come out now? I mean she knows about you being Chat Noir" a small nasally voice came from the pocket on Adrien's shirt. I pulled away, staring at it questioningly. What on Earth? I looked at Adrien, hoping for answers. He sighed and pulled open his pocket, allowing a small black creature to fly out.

I jumped slightly but looked at it more carefully. It kind of resembled a cat but it was a strange looking cat, that could apparently fly.

"That's Plagg, my kwami" my soulmate said, as if that was supposed to clear anything up. I nodded, letting him know I heard him while I reached out my hand to touch the little black kwami. With my index finger, I poked his head gently and scratched in between his ears. This made his little green, cat-like eyes roll up into his head.

"Can we keep her? Pleaseeeee" Plagg pleaded. Adrien rolled his eyes but the grin on his face betrayed him. Plagg was soft but he didn't feel like anything I'd felt before.

"I didn't plan on getting rid of her, Plagg" Adrien stated. I chuckled lightly. They behaved like brothers. So, what is a kwami? And why is Adrien claiming it as his? I thought I knew most of the secrets.

Plagg sat in my palm, looking cute as ever. I couldn't help but coo over him, making Adrien groan. I shushed him as I couldn't stop scratching the little kwami's head.

"So, what exactly is a kwami?" I asked, looking over to Adrien who flopped back onto my bed. He looked up at my ceiling while placing his arms behind his head. He gave me a playful smirk.

"It's what allows me to be Chat Noir" he said confidently. I rose an eyebrow and looked at the little kwami sitting in my hands. Plagg made Adrien into Chat Noir? So, Adrien doesn't just have a leather catsuit laying around?

I started scratching the stomach of the small cat-like creature in my hand. A million different thoughts were buzzing through my head.

"He's a part of my miraculous. He's what makes it special and why Hawkmoth wants it" Adrien explained. Oh, that makes more sense. I smiled down at Plagg and could see why somebody would want to fight for him but sadly, I don't believe Hawkmoth would treat him well.

"Riva, Adrien. Lunch is ready" my father called up the stairs. Lunch? Oh geez, hopefully he didn't cook. I grimaced at the thought and Adrien chuckled, opening his pocket, and letting Plagg fly in. We stood and made our way downstairs, heading towards the dining room.

Luckily for us, dad hadn't cooked. Unlucky for us, Marie had, which meant she was home and this lunch could end really bad. I noticed Adrien's fists clenched at the sight of Marie and I quickly grabbed his hand, guiding him to the table quietly.

Lunch started off quiet as both my father and I didn't want to mention anything about soulmates to Marie and Adrien was still mad at her.

"So, Adrien, I wasn't expecting you for lunch" Marie stated, trying to make conversation. I clutched his hand, trying to tell him to calm down and forget about it. The most charming grin I've ever seen grace his face stretched across his lips.

"Well thank you for preparing it anyway" he replied. I was impressed with how sincere he sounded, even my father was impressed. I coughed quietly, trying to build up the courage to talk to Marie, but all that was going through my head was the night my father sent me to stay with Adrien because Marie found out about me talking to my soulmate.

Dad rose his eyebrow at me, silently asking if I was ready to do this. I bit my cheek, still slightly unsure of that myself. I didn't know how Marie was going to respond but hopefully she has learnt from last time.

Marie looked up from her plate and directly at me, waiting for me to say what I wanted to say. All attention was on me and I just wanted to fall through the floor. But this is what I wanted, wasn't it?

Why did she have to be so hard to talk to? Why couldn't she just be accepting? Adrien wasn't going anywhere and between the two of them, I honestly liked him more. So with a deep breath, I finally spoke the sentence I'd been dreading to tell her.

"Marie, Adrien and I are soulmates."

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now