Chloe and Paranoia Seeps In || Chapter 36 ||

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"Keep your evil thoughts to yourself" I muttered, turning away from Nathanael. He laughed loudly, slapping a hand over his mouth in embarrassment. I smirked and he rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out at me. I playfully gasped and put a hand on my chest, mocking being offended. The teacher walked in but nobody recognised her.

I froze, I could've sworn I'd seen those green eyes before. But after blinking, nothing looked familiar. I sighed and dropped my head onto my desk. It seems Mon Papillon was really getting to me. The substitute teacher started class and seemed to hold everyone's attention.

I walked out of Miss. Durand's class with a sore head. The amount of information she had drilled into our heads was unbelievable and I couldn't wait until Ms. Bustier came back. A hand circled around my arm and pulled me, making me sigh in annoyance. I really couldn't get a break at the moment.

I looked at the person who desperately wanted my attention and was surprised to see an upset Chloe. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open slightly. Awkward wouldn't be able to explain what I was feeling.

"How do you get Adrien to like you? He can't stand me. I just want my friend back" she whined, tears coming to her eyes. What was I supposed to say to her? That he disliked almost everything she stood for? I nervously rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well, ah I don't know really. He likes when people put in effort and are genuine. He also doesn't put up with bullying of his friends." I explained, trying not to get on her bad side. She nodded her head, listening intently to what I had to say.

Surely, she wasn't acting but Chloe had been infatuated with Adrien for a long time. I don't understand why she was being kind to me or even asking me for advice. She straightened her back and flipped her blonde ponytail over her shoulder, looking more like the Chloe I know.

"Uh thanks, or whatever" she said, walking off quickly and searching for Sabrina. I rose an eyebrow and made my way to my locker, putting my stuff away. I shut my locker and jumped, seeing Nino leaning against the lockers next to me.

He laughed at my startled state and scooped up my arm, dragging me out of the school. Confusion flooded my system.

"Nino, Nino. Wait! Where are you taking me? I have a martial arts class" I questioned, looking over my shoulder and back towards the school I needed to be in. I turned back to Nino and planted my feet to the ground, forcing us both to stop and for him to explain just what he was doing.

"You have to see Chloe acting weird. She's apologizing to Adrien" he said. I sighed and pulled my arm from Nino. I turned around and started walking back towards the school, wanting to go to my class. Nino ran in front of me, the question written all over his face.

"I know about Chloe, Nino. She just wants Adrien in her life again" I said before walking off and leaving him there. I really didn't have a choice, he'd made me late for class.

I walked out of the school with sweat dripping down my back. I'd pushed myself harder than I ever had before. I need to be strong and I was finally improving. The breeze was cool against my sweaty skin and I sighed in relief, allowing it to curl around me.

I started walking home, hoping to get a shower in before dinner. The sun was just starting to set, leaving the sky in an array of different oranges and pinks. I smiled softly, appreciating the beautiful city I live in.

Though, the green figure flipping from roof to roof with long red hair was enough to ruin my whole night. I pretended not to see her and just hoped she wouldn't see me and bother me like yesterday. I quickened my pace slightly as my heartbeat increase in fear.

I don't want to be afraid to go outside but she's everywhere, just haunting me. I stormed through my front door, slamming it behind me and making my way to the bathroom.

"Are you all right?" Marie called out from the kitchen. I sighed and stopped, letting my pulse slow down a little.

"Better now that I'm home" I said, before closing the bathroom door. It was weird interacting with Marie normally but it was much better than hating her. I turned on the shower and climbed in, erasing everything from the day.

The water cascaded down my body, plastering my hair to my back and making my muscles tingle from the heat of it. I ran my fingers through my hair, admiring the length of it. The auburn colour now looking a brunette in the water.

"But you don't judge me. Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too" I sang quietly to myself, rinsing soap from my body and ending the shower. I stepped out and wrapped myself in a giant fluffy towel.

I walked into my room, looking to find some clothes but instead I saw a dork in a black cat suit. I stopped and watched him as he looked through the photos on my wall.

"I have more to put up there, just so you know" I said, causing him to jump and look my way. His cheeks lit up, making me remember that I was standing in front of him in just a towel. I blushed but couldn't stop myself from smirking.

I walked over to him and watched as he swallowed and took a shaky breath, forcing his eyes to stay on mine. I let my eyes rake over his body, admiring the way the leather clung to parts of him.

"Now, what is a superhero of Paris doing in a teenage girl's room while she's naked?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. His eyes left my face for a second before he gathered up his confidence and smirked.

"Well, admiring her of course" he said, plopping himself down on my bed and grinning up at me. I looked down at him and stood in front of him, his knees touching my thighs.

"Now, now, Chaton. Don't say that too loud. Someone might hear and report back to my soulmate, it'd be quite the scandal" I said playfully, shaking my finger at him before leaning down and booping his nose.

I walked over to my wardrobe, collecting some sweats and instructed Chat to turn around. He did so and even covered his eyes, making me giggle. I quickly threw my clothes on and tapped his shoulder, signalling that he could turn around.

"You know, that suit's really working for you" I stated, looking it over. Chat looked down on himself and placed his hands on his hips.

"Yeah?" he asked, sounding genuinely excited. I gave him a flirty grin before placing my own hand on my hip and looked up at him.

"Yeah, it's working for me too" I spoke, surprising him greatly. His eyes widened and his cheeks blushed. He looked as if he couldn't believe I had openly flirted with him like that. He grinned like a dork.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now