Flashback and Snarls || Chapter 27 ||

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Adrien's POV

Panic. That's all I felt as I watched this guy race off with Riva over his shoulder. I tried running after them with Nino by my side but we were left behind in the blink of an eye. I wanted to scream and pull at my hair but Riva needed me. No, she needed Chat.

I stalked away from Nino, rounded a corner, and transformed into Chat Noir. How was I supposed to find her? I jumped up onto the roof above me, whipping my head to each side, looking for the familiar shade of auburn that I associated with Riva. Nothing.

My heart was beating faster and I was about to start running around going crazy when Ladybug landed next to me, looking slightly panicked.

"Thank god you're here. I've just spotted Riva with some crazy guy. Come on!" she said, running and leaping off the building. I breathed out in relief and followed without a second thought. I had to get to Riva, she had to be okay.

I ran next to Ladybug, keeping my eyes peeled for any kind of trouble. This guy wouldn't give Riva up easily. Hell, I won't give Riva up easily. We rounded the corner and I snarled dangerously. There in the middle of the road was Anthony standing over Riva. She didn't look frightened, just defiant. That's my girl. I smirked as Ladybug threw her yoyo, making it bounce off this guy's head.

"Ladybug!" He shouted, turning around with a glare. I narrowed my eyes in anger. Riva stood up and took a few steps back, reaching for something. Ladybug and I started running over, wanting to get her away from this guy.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, turning back to Riva. I felt my heart squeeze but those beautiful lips of hers just curled up into a smirk as she swung up, smacking him up the head with a broken bit a metal.

Anthony fell backwards. I took advantage of this and ran at Riva, wrapping my arms around her and kept running until I found an alleyway. I let go of her and held her face, just staring into those familiar emerald eyes. I sighed out in relief. She's safe.

Her smaller hands cradled my own as she smiled at me softly. She kissed my palm softly before pulling away.

"You have a super-villain to stop. I want to talk after this." She said, reminding me of the first time I met her as Chat Noir

I returned to the pretty girl with auburn hair. I knew her as Adrien, she was a new girl in my class but as Chat she was just a citizen. The girl intrigued me, I wanted to know her.

"You know. I never expected us to be in the same country, let alone the same city" she stated, confusing me greatly. Did she know who I was? Did she think she knew me? She brought out her phone and showed me my face. I looked intently before noticing the small line of pen on my face.

I looked back at her, seeing the small line on her face as well. This is amazing! It was her! How did I ever get so lucky?

"So, you're the mysterious R" I said, smirking happily. She nodded before putting her phone away and looking at her feet shyly. She is seriously too cute.

"Well I sure got lucky" I said softly, giving her a warm smile. Her head snapped up and she seemed to study me. I'm so glad fate decided this one is for me.

A loud crash broke me from my thoughts and I jumped, seeing the flaming car on the street. Anthony must be back on his feet. I looked at Riva and nodded, agreeing to her terms. I kissed her on the head before running out of the alley only to find Ladybug being thrown across the street.

Where is this guy's akuma? I charged in, swinging my staff at him. He grabbed the end and flicked me off like a bug, throwing my staff at me and causing me to fall over. I grunted in annoyance before getting up and glaring at Anthony.

"You cannot stop me from getting Mon!" he growled at me. I got in a defensive position and raised my staff slightly. I snarled loudly at him, glaring heatedly.

"Riva isn't Mon! You need to back off. Now!" I warned, my voice deepening in anger. Nobody and I mean nobody, messes with Riva. Not a hair on her head is to be harmed. We charged at each other, yelling out and throwing punches.

Ladybug re-joined the fight by kicking Anthony to the ground and glaring down at him. Anthony smirked at us and got up, breaking a lamp post, and swinging at us. Oh, dear god. I barely dodged it and tried to swipe his feet out from underneath him but all I did was attract his attention.

"His ability seems to be speed. Quick reflexes included." I pointed out to Ladybug, who nodded in agreement. If we could somehow slow him down, we'd have a chance. I searched around for something that could help us but found nothing.

I sighed in annoyance. I was smacked across the jaw and I growled, kicking Anthony away from me. I know Ladybug doesn't particularly like hurting the akuma victims and normally I don't either but he made it personal going after my soulmate.

"Anthony, you are testing my self-restraint" I warned, stretching out my jaw. He chuckled darkly, swinging at me again. I grabbed his arm and used his weight against him, throwing him away from me.

Ladybug tied his feet up and hung him upside down off a power pole. He thrashed around, growling, and swinging his arms out, trying to hit Ladybug. I stalked up to him with a hard look on my face. I studied him, trying to find what the akuma could have possessed. Maybe his bracelet? Or his necklace?

"Chat, back up!" Ladybug yelled, catching my attention. I turned to her and felt something collide with the side of my head. My vision blurred and I felt myself moving. I hit a wall, cracking my head against it.

"CHAT!" I heard Riva's concerned yell. I wanted to tell her to leave but my body refused and my eyes wouldn't open. Soon I slipped into the comfortable darkness.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now