Volpina Part 2 and First Kisses || Chapter 18 ||

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I opened my eyes but immediately shut them again as a throb pulsed through my skull. I groaned before trying and opening my eyes again. Wind was blowing harshly and I looked around, noticing I was on top of a very high building.

Footsteps behind me caught my attention so I whipped around and saw Volpina, a tall guy in a hoodie and Adrien. The man in the hoodie grabbed Adrien who tried to fight him off. I stiffened, eyes wide and angry.

"I need you to bring Chat Noir and Ladybug here" she said in a sing song voice. I narrowed my eyes at her as did Adrien. I am not leading them into what is most likely a trap. I spat at her feet which resulted in her kicking me onto my back.

"Hey! Keep your hands off her!" Chat's voice boomed. I grinned, sitting up. I felt a small trail of blood leave my mouth. If Chat's here so is Ladybug which means they have a plan. I stood up and crossed my arms, looking smug. Volpina glared at me in hatred.

"Matthias. Drop him" she said, staring straight into my eyes. Panic flooded every sense as I looked over and saw the hooded man let go of Adrien. A scream tore through my throat and I ran to the side of the building before collapsing onto my knees, sobs overtaking me. They were loud, they were violent and they showed just how distraught I was. My whole body shook with my sobs and the scene wouldn't stop playing in my head. It was a continuous loop of watching Adrien fall. I grabbed at my hair and put my head between my knees.

It hurt so bad. I couldn't describe the pain that was in my chest. I felt like I couldn't breathe. The outside world didn't matter, I lost Adrien. My Adrien. I grabbed my hair tighter, hoping that the harder I grabbed the lesser the pain in my chest will be.

Hands grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at them. I pulled away from Chat, not wanting to be touched. Ladybug looked worried but she didn't try to help. Chat tried again and I couldn't stop him.

"Make it stop. Please, just make it stop" I sobbed, looking straight into his eyes. His eyes were watery and looked to be holding back tears but a smile was on his face.

"It was an illusion. It wasn't really Adrien, I promise you that Adrien is safe at home" he said slowly and surely, trying to get me to understand. An illusion? So, Adrien's alive? I laughed out in disbelief. She made an illusion just to hurt me like this.

"You really care for him, don't you?" Ladybug asked, walking over, and squatting next to Chat. I looked at her like she was an idiot.

"Of course, I do. He's one of the most important people in my life." I stated it. It was a fact. Adrien was important to me. In every sense of the word. Ladybug's earrings beeped and she left after making sure Chat was okay with me.

"So, he's really safe?" I asked him, double checking. Chat gave me a smile and nodded his head. I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly. I was still shaking slightly from my sobs but that didn't stop Chat from holding me just as tight as I held him. He nuzzled his face into my neck inhaling deeply.

"I don't want you in danger. Ever. I couldn't stop thinking what if it was you instead of Adrien that was dropped. I-I can't lose you. I'm not strong enough" he murmured against my neck. I pulled away and held his face, forcing him to look at me. His eyes were glassy from unshed tears and the sight broke my heart.

"I'm not going anywhere, Chaton." I said softly before bringing his face up to mine and gently placing my lips against his. The kiss was soft, gentle and it conveyed everything we were feeling. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

Chat's arms wrapped around me once again and he pulled me into his lap, holding me tight. I smiled brightly and ran my fingers through his hair. The blonde locks were incredibly soft.

"Come on, let's get you to the Agreste mansion. I bet you want to see Adrien" he said and stood up, holding me bridal style. I squealed and Chat grinned before walking through a door and towards an elevator. Chat refused to let me stand on my own and said he'd carry me the whole way to the Agreste mansion.

"Chaton?" I asked quietly while he was walking down the street. He hummed, letting me know that I had his attention. I smiled with a blush on my face.

"Thank you" I thanked softly and he looked down at me confused.

"For saving me from Volpina and for making that unable pain in my chest stop" I explained. His features relaxed and he seemed to be looking at me completely different. He grinned and continued walking before we reached the gate. Chat put me on my feet and pushed the button, getting the camera in the face. He backed up slightly.

"Chat Noir, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I have Riva Osment, she needs to see Adrien"

I popped out from behind Chat and waved sheepishly at the camera. The gate opened and the camera went back to its original place. Chat turned to me and smiled softly, pecking me quickly and left. I bit my lip and raced into the mansion, Nathalie stopping me in the foyer.

"Miss Osment, are you all right?" she asked, looking worried. I nodded and politely excused myself, racing up the stairs and tripping on a few. I came up to Adrien's door and threw it open, not caring about privacy. Adrien jumped in shock and looked over at me from his couch.

He really was fine. I launched at him, tackling him onto the couch. He laughed, hugging me back.

"We saw each other not that long ago, Princess" he said, stroking my hair. I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. He stopped smiling and looked back at me seriously.

"Volpina. She's horrible. We were on top of some building and she had this illusion of you but I didn't know and she had you thrown off the building. I thought I was never going to see you again" I explained, tears threatening to fall again. Adrien pulled me back down and onto his chest. He didn't need to say anything. He just had to hold me.

I placed my ear against his chest and listened to the reassuring beat of his heart. My Adrien was alive and he wasn't going anywhere.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin