"Mon" and The L Word || Chapter 29 ||

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Class was unending. It was taunting us and leaving us feeling exhausted and completely drained. My forehead had sat on my desk for the past 20 minutes and no one had noticed. Even the teacher waited impatiently for the end of the day. It was a bad day for everyone.

The bell finally rang and everyone shot up, packed their things, and ran from the classroom. I sighed and slung my bag over my shoulder, getting ready to leave when Marinette pulled me aside. I gave her a confused look but she shushed me quietly, watching the last student leave the room.

"Ladybug wanted me to tell you that she questioned your stalker boy about someone named Mon?" she said, looking slightly confused and uncomfortable. I stiffened and grabbed her shoulders, looking directly into her eyes.

"Did she say anything else?" I asked, wanting to know the information. Her pigtails bounced as she nodded her head. I let go of her shoulder and nervously gripped the strap of my bag.

"He has fallen in love with a girl Mon Papillon. Apparently, he's been curious about her secret identity and Ladybug believes that you were a victim because you look like her and he thought you may have been her out of costume" she explained. Mon Paillon? Costume?

"Is she a Miraculous user too?" I asked, confused. Chat never mentioned any other Miraculous holder but himself, Ladybug, and Hawkmoth. Marinette shook her head.

"No. She isn't. Both Ladybug and I have a bad feeling about this" she admitted. I nodded, agreeing with her. If this girl isn't a Miraculous holder, then how could she have a secret identity? Is she even a super hero?

"Well, thank you Marinette. Goodnight" I said quietly, walking off and out of the school. She had really given me something to think about. Could this Mon Papillon be a new hero? Or are they a villain?

I pulled out my phone and clicked on Adrien's contact, deciding to ring him. Maybe, just maybe he'd answer.

"Hey, this is Adrien. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you."

I sighed and slumped my shoulders. Of course not. He's avoiding me. He has to be. After the beep, I decided to leave a message.

"I'm not sure what I did wrong. I just miss you, I guess. Anyway, call me" I spoke softly before hanging up and putting my phone in pocket, making my way home.

I laid on my bed, just staring at the ceiling, hoping that Adrien would call me back. It was silly, I know. He was avoiding me so I should've known he wouldn't but it still hurt. My phone rang and my excitement got the better of me. I answered without looking at the caller id.


"Someone's happy"

"Oh, hey Nino"

"Wow, I don't know whether to be worried or insulted"

"I'm sorry, I was just expecting it to be someone else. Nevermind, did you need something?"

"Actually, I wanted to know if you'd heard from Adrien?"

"No, why?"

"I was on the phone to him earlier and he just sounded sad. I don't know what happened"

"Oh god. Shit. Okay. Thanks Nino"

"Uh no problem?"

I hung up and put my head in my hands. What have I done that could cause Adrien to be like this? I can't think of anything. I grabbed at my hair in frustration. Damnit!

"Riva? You okay? You've barely left your room these last two days" my father asked through the door. I sighed and felt the first of the tears leak from my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a lot of homework" I forced out. He hummed before I heard him walk away. When I was finally alone, I couldn't keep it held in any longer. I covered my face with my hands and sobbed quietly.

Would Adrien and I ever be close again? Would he avoid me forever? I threw myself under the covers and forced myself to sleep to escape the crushing thoughts filling my head.

I woke up with a start and quickly got dressed, wanting to get out of the house as quickly as possible. I knew I looked terrible, my eyes were still slightly red, my clothes were thrown on messily and I barely brushed my hair but today wasn't a day to look good. It was a day to feel bad.

Everyone was in the courtyard when I walked in and Alya gave me a concerned look before running over. I was soon wrapped up in her arms.

"What happened? Are you all right?" she asked. I just stared at her when she pulled away. I shrugged my shoulders. I don't know. I didn't really feel anything right now. What are you supposed to feel when you probably ruined the relationship you had with your soulmate without even knowing how?

I looked over Alya's shoulder, expecting to see a confused Nino but instead I saw Adrien with Chloe hanging off him, flirting and giggling. I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists. It's okay Riva, Chloe is just being Chloe.

I was able to hold myself back but when I watched her try to kiss him, every fibre of my being screamed in anger. I polite pushed past Alya and stormed over to Chloe and Adrien, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her off him.

"Who do you think you are?" she cried out, glaring at me. I can guarantee my glare was meaner. Sabrina cowered back slightly at my heated gaze. I stood between Adrien and Chloe, hoping to put as much distance between them.

"The one person in this school, you don't want to piss off" I spat at her, straightening up to seem taller. Her upper lip twitched, almost as if she wanted to snarl at me. Go ahead. See what happens.

"You have no right touching me or interfering with mine and Adrien's love!" she yelled out. Immediately I saw red. Nobody and I mean nobody but me had Adrien. Instead of acting out in violence like I wanted to, I smirked, turned around, grabbed the front of Adrien's shirt, and pulled him down, crashing his lips against mine own.

At first, he was shocked but he quickly melted into the familiar feeling, cupping my face as he did so. The whole courtyard was silent and when Adrien and I pulled away he gave me an unsure look. I smiled softly at him before turning around to Chloe again.

"You try anything on MY soulmate again and this conversation will go differently" I stated. She stormed towards the classroom in a huff with Sabrina following after her. I saw Marinette run off and immediately felt bad. I should've broken it to her softly.

Alya gave me an understanding look and took off after Marinette. I bit my lip and turned back to Adrien, offering him my hand.

"We have some talking to do" I said quietly. He nodded his head and grabbed my hand, leading us out of the school. We didn't have a destination in mind, we just knew that this conversation wasn't meant for other ears.

"What happened the other day?" I asked quietly, looking at my feet as we walked. I heard Adrien sigh and he ran his other hand through his hair, leaving parts of it to stick up slightly. If it was any other time, I would've found it funny.

"At first, I didn't want you to find out who was under the mask in case it put you in danger but over time, I just didn't want you to be disappointed it was me. Then I saw your face after the transformation and I couldn't take it" he told me, refusing to look at me. I chuckled slightly and stopped walking, making him stop and look at me.

"You're an idiot, Adrien Agreste" I said with a grin on my face. He looked confused and I couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out of my throat.

"I was conflicted for ages. I had feelings for both my soulmate, Chat Noir, and my best friend, Adrien. Eventually after spending enough time with both I worked it out. I knew you were Chat before I saw you transform and finally I didn't feel bad anymore because instead of liking a stranger over my soulmate...I had fallen in love with both sides of him"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now