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In a little town in Texas live a woman that went by the name of Kara.  She was a telecommunications worker.  Kara was twenty-two years of age.  She really enjoyed her single life.  Her father passed away first and then her mother follow.  Her mother's sister was the only one remaining alive.  Aunt Lisa had four children.  They were grown now and moved away. But her cousin Lana stood in the little town.  She kept the family farm up to date.  The others use to visit one a year, but after the death of their parents, they stopped calling and visiting.  This bothers Kara, but she had Lana.  They have been friends all their lives.  

Kara went on vacation to London.  There she met a man that went by the name, Nico.   Nico was also single.  They kick out for a while, then became very good friends.  They told each other everything.  Then after a while, they became a loving couple.   

Nico and Kara went to visit some old ancient buildings.   She went to go back home, and Nico was willing to relocate.  They agreed to good sightseeing, before boarding a plane to Texas.  They walked through the ruins and recorded and took plenty of pictures.  Somehow they got into a heated conversation, not realizing that the tour group had left them behind. Then they happen to make a wrong turn.  Nico called out to the group.  Hoping that someone will hear him screaming. The group was too far away, on the right side of the trail and they were going west.

After screaming for a while they both realized they were on their own.  So they continued walking up the road.  Following the signs on the roads.  Then they reach a dead end.  Nothing to do now but turn back.   When they turned around to walk away, they hear a child's cry.  They found it odd that a child will be out here when there isn't anything out there but ruins.

They walked closer to the sound, "Please, I've done what you asked let me go." said Lucian  "I said, get in the cell!' said Frank  "Please, I'm not running anywhere.  I really don't like to be locked up in the cage. Please." The boy said as he held onto the bars.  Frank began to bit his fingers that were holding onto the bars.  This hurt the boy's knuckles, he let go of the bars, then Frank quickly through him inside the cell and proceeded to lock the cell's door.  

The boy looked at him, then shook his head, and sat on the cell's floor crying.  "Boy, stop all that crying!  Tomorrow you have lots of work to do." he said   "I'm hungry, please, if you don't want to feed me, fine, but please let me sleep on the floor.  I feel like an animal inside of this cage." the little boy said  "I really don't care, here is some bread and water, when you're done, go to sleep, I really don't want to hear you." said Frank as he handed him the bread and water.  Lucian took the little food that he was offered.  Slowly he began to eat, all the long with his head down.  The giant feminist man began to walk up the road, to his home and left the kid outside inside a large cage cell.  Who will do this to a kid? said Nico  "I don't know, look his clothes don't even fit him, it's too small." said Kara  "I know that boy is not his son." said Kara as she slowly began to walk towards the cell.  

Then she whispered, "Hey, are you alright?" she asked  "Go away he will hurt you." whispered the kid as he glances down the road nervously.  "Hey, don't worry, we won't let him hurt you again," she said as she started looking around for the key.  'Then she spotted them on top of the table.  "Nico, make sure that creep doesn't come out of his house. I'll grab the key and set the boy free," she explained as she ran and picked up the keys then proceeded to open the cell.  Lucian stood in a corner not wanting to go with them.   

Then Nico grabbed him, picked him up, "Come, that man is going to return soon.   "Please put me down, he will kill you," he said while wiggling trying to get away.  "Boy, stop moving so much, you are going to make me drop you!" yelled Nico as they ran, when Nico noticed a sign, "To the Parking lot." He quickly turned and continued to follow the signs until he finally reaches the parking lot.  

Nico put the nine-year-old boy, so he thought, in the back seat of his car.  Then he hooked up the seat belt.  "What are we doing here?  Someone has to be looking for this kid." said Nico  "I don't know, he really afraid of that man.  He's been here for a while.  We'll just take back to the hotel, where we can call the police.  They knew what to do." she said as she stepped into the car.

"Are you sure?  I really don't trust anyone, let alone the government.   Let's take him home.  I'll ask him some questions.  Hopefully, we'll figure this out." said Nico  "Look I'm closing my eyes for a while, let me know when we get to the hotel." she said as she closed her eyes.  Then the moment she arrived he smacked Kara's arm, "Sleepyhead wake up, we'll hear." said Nico they arrived, they enter the building through the back.  

Kara grabbed Lucian's hands then whispered, "Please walked and behave.  You are too big for me to carry.  Not knowing how many questions people will ask, and I really don't feel like going through fifty questions." explained Lucian as he stood up tall as they walk into the hotel lobby.  This has been their permanent home, for now anyway.


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