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They entered the lobby through the back of the Hotel and then went straight to the elevators.  They took the elevator to the tenth floor.  The boy didn't say a word.  When they went into the room, the boy kept his head down as he sat on a chair.  

"Sweetie, you are safe here.  You can at least smile," said Kara  But the boy still didn't say anything.  "The boy is scared, he's not going to want to stay here." said Nico  "Well, sweetie you really don't have a choice.  If that man finds you again, he just going to keep on hurting you. You don't want that do you?" she asked with a friendly smile.  Slowly he looked up, "The woman is right, I am afraid.  Are you going to make me do bad things as that other man did?" he asked as he looked at Nico  

"No, boy, not all men are evil.  Like my wife said you are safe with us.  Boy what's your name?" asked Nico    "My name is Lucian, sir." said the young boy  "Well, Lucian, I'm Nico and this is my wife Kara.  For now on, you will stay with us, if anyone asks you any question about your identity, just tell them that you are my nephew, my brother's son." explained Nico

"Are you hungry?" she asked as she offers him some Oreo cookies.  Lucian looked at the cookies, "What is that?' he asked to confuse for it was the first time in his life to see a cookie.  "What, you don't know what's a cookie.  Especially an oreo cookie.  Come here, let's go to the kitchen first to get a cup of milk.  You must have milk, it goes great with the cookie.  Now, you opened the cookie up and eat the inside first.  You don't have to eat it the way I do, here, try some." she explained as she handed him a plate with four cookies along with a glass of milk.    

"Go, on now taste some," said Nico with a bright smile.   Lucian looked up at him and returned his smile.  Then slowly he began to eat his Oreo, kind of afraid.  But once he tasted the wonderful cookie, he continues to eat all of them and then drank his milk.    Kara and Nico looked at each other and smile.   "Lucian when you're done, go to the bathroom and wash your hands.   

Then Nico walked over to the TV set and turned it on.   When Lucian saw and heard all the noise coming out of the flat object, he jumped out and ran into a closet.  "What the hell was that?" asked Nico  "Beats me.  Maybe he never saw a TV before." said Kara as she walked towards the closet.  "Lucian, open the door honey," she said as she knocked.  "Go away," he replied while sitting on the closet floor.  "Lucian, listen to me, that's an object we use to see pretty things, well they are not all that pretty, some are evil.  But a lot of the things aren't real, it all makes belief," explained Nico as he stood next to Kara  

"Are you sure that thing is not like an electric eel.  The electric eel is very dangerous." said Lucian  "No, boy, the electricity it's inside the wiring of the TV.  You won't get electrocuted by watching." he explained as he tries to open the door.  But before he will turn the knob, Lucian opened the door and glanced up at them.  "Are you really sure?" he asked again.  

"Look if you like, I'll put some cartoons on and I sit with you until you're not afraid any longer." said Nico  "That sounds great," said Lucian as he walked out of the closet and sat on the sofa, in front of the TV set.  Lucian was amazed at the things that were in such a flat large object.  "Look, guys, I'm stepping out.  You are going to need some nice clothes.  I'm going shopping, I'll be back in an hour or two.  Don't do anything I won't do." she said as she gave Nico a kiss and walked out of the door.

When she left, Lucian began to act skis and scared.  "Hey what's wrong?  You were acting right a couple of minutes ago," he said as he noticed that the boy was literally shaking.  "While are you shaking so much.  I'm not going to hurt you.  Remember what I've told you, not all men all evil." explained Nico.  Lucian shook his head, yes, then he continues to watch TV.  His breath was taken for this was something his eyes never saw.   After a while, the boy was fast asleep.  Nico figured, "Poor kid, he looks so tired.  He must not have slept in days, cause he's snoring up a storm." he whispered as he turned off the TV and placed a blanket over Lucian.

Nico quickly picked up his computer and went on the internet.  If someone's looking for Lucian, I might find some information that might be helpful.  He searched for a while, there were lots of missing, but none name Lucian nor look anything like him.   Then Kara returned from the store, she enters the house, "Hey, the little man is sleeping." she said as she glances at the sofa.  "What gave it away?" said Nico with a smile  

"Your right, I heard the snoring before even knowing that he was asleep.  Here help me put the things away.  I've bought him some pajamas and a couple of sweat suits, and of course underwear.  Hey, I've brought you some too." she said as she was taking the items out of the bags.  Nico took the bags that contained food to the kitchen.  There he proceeded to put them away.

Kara put the other things away.  Then he set out some pajamas so when Lucian wakes up.  "Honey, how long has he been sleeping?" she asked  "Girl he's been out cold for a good two hours." said Nico  "Well, I'm giving him until dinner is ready.  Then I'm waking him up.  He needs to wash and change." she said as she started to prepare dinner.

After Nico put the food away, "Look now it's my turn.  You babysit while I go to the store." he said as he grabbed the car keys.  "Where are you going?" Kara asked  "I'm going to pick up some chips and dip since someone didn't bring any." he was with a smile as he walked out of the house.

Kara continued to cook dinner, while Lucian slept.  Nico drove down three blocks to a mom and pop store. There he picked up his munchies, as he walked out of the store, someone grabbed him by the hand.  "Hey, you!  I know you!  You took my boy! I want him back! Finders keepers, I found him at the beach under the boardwalk.  The kid belongs to me!" screamed the fifty-year-old man who had one glass eye, that looks as old as he did. His teeth were rotten to the core and the tone of his voice was raspy and strong.

Nico quickly shoved his arm away from his arm.  "Excuse me?  You must be confusing me with someone else.  If you touch me again, I will report you, sir.  So do me a favor and back off." said Nico as he proceeded to walk to his car.  "You think I'm stupid?  I know it's you!  You were with some girl.  I'm going to follow you if you don't tell me where I can find my boy." said Lucas the strange man.  "Listen, I'm not going to tell you again.  You are mistaking me for someone else, no back the fuck off," said Nico as he puts his bag in the car.  "He's mine, I tell you!" said Lucas as he held onto the car.  

"Wait, didn't you just said you found him?" asked Nico wondering what he meant by that.  "Yes, he was laying on the beach, I saved him so he owes me.  He belongs to me," said Lucas still hanging on Nico's car as he was slowly driving away.  "Well old man, I don't have your boy.  Why don't you go back to the beach, maybe you'll get lucky and find another boy?" said Nico as he speeded up his car and Lucas landed on the ground, as the car drives away.

"This crazy ass man really believe that the kid belongs to him.  He said he found him at the beach.  Let me stopped and look around, maybe I might find something that will tell me who's the kid." he said as he turned the car around and headed to the beach it was only five minutes away.  When he finally arrived, he parked his car.  He ran under the boardwalk and walked around in the water as he looked around.

When he was about to head back to the car, he noticed something shining.  He walked towards the object.  When he looked down, the object was shiny as gold.   Nico pulled it from under the sand.  He found a gold thick weird looking chain, with a medallion that said, Lucian.  

"This belongs to him.  This little boy family must be rich, look at this.  It'll fill with rubies, diamonds and made of gold.  Now I wonder if this man had kidnapped this boy.  But I sure he would have told me this by now.  Thank goodness that crazy man didn't find it when he found the boy.  He would never save his life.  He would have taken this and left the kid breathless laying on the sand to die." he thought to himself as he places it in his pocket.  Nico then headed to the car and proceeded to head home.

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