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Nico and Lucian arrived at the house.  He quickly parked in the garage as he notices Frank staring again through the window.  "Don't worry, I'll get you later," he mutters as he began to count the money.  He had forty thousand in bills.  Enough to buy a boat and more.

"So, kiddo you know where to find Mr. Lucas?" asked Nico   "Of course I do." he replied,  "You think if we gave him some of these coins he'll help us pick out a good boat?" again he asked  "These a lot of change in this jar.  I sure he'll help us.  But where's the rest of the coins?: asked Lucian   "Listen and learn, you can't spend every cent you have, away save some for a rainy day.  Now Let's go get Lucas." said Nico as he grabbed the empty money bags and shoved them into his pocket.  Then in his other pocket, he placed seventy dollars of dollar coins.

"Sir what do we need the bags for? asked the boy "I'll explain it to you later," said Nico as they drive to the beach where he parked.  When he was out of the car, "Listen, boy, you go ahead, I'm going to walk far behind you.  Once he approaches you, I'll approach him" explained Nico as they walked under the boardwalk.  Nico walked right behind Lucian hiding behind the thick beams every now and then.  It didn't take Lucas long to spot the boy walking alone.  He quickly went towards him and grabbed him by the arm.  "Not so fast.  Where do you think you are going?" said Lucas  "Mr. Lucas, sorry for everything that happens," said Lucian before he finishes what he was saying, Nico appeared and grabbed Lucas by his arm.  

"Dude, first let go of the kid.  We need to talk to you," said Nico squeezing his arm.  "Chill man, my arm!  Fine! What the hell are you looking for me for?' he asked    "I need to purchase a boat and I really don't know much about boats." explained  Nico  "You know boats aren't cheap?" said Lucas  "Don't worry we will pay you, after we buy the boat." said Nico as they started to walk towards the car.  "You pay me?  How much?" he replied.  "Well, I have seventy of those dollar coins now, and after we buy the boat I'll give you more." explained Nico  "You sure you need me?  You're not pulling my leg." asked Lucas with a smile and laugh a little.   "Dude, stop laughing, I'm serious," said Nico  

"Let me see the coins," he replied   Nico pulled out all the dollar coin pieces from his pocket and handed it to him.  Then he unties the shoelace he used to keep his pants up.  "He takes this, you're going to need it," said Nico as he handed the lace to Lucas as he was putting the coins in his pocket.   "What is this?" said Lucas when he noticed the weight of the coins was making his pants fall, so quickly grabbed the shoelace and tie it around his pants to hold them up.

As they all had a laugh at Lucas expense. "Well, I have a friend this retired, he kind of sick so he wants to sell his boat.  He's asking for eighteen thousand dollars.  But like me tell you, the bad boy is worth triple the selling price.  It's a beauty.  Now go to the docks, I want you to see the baby first." said Lucas

"I see you know a lot about boats?  Do you also know how to drive them?" Nico said trying to be nice and friendly as they drove straight to the docks.   "Come to follow me," said Lucas as he quickly stepped out the car and headed to the parked boats.    He arrived at a beautiful White and blue yacht, not a boat, like Lucas had mentioned.  "Wow, are you sure this is the boat?" he asked  "Dude, isn't sweet?  Believe me, it's the boat.  Old man Davis just lost his wife, and the last time he took this baby out was to dump his wife ashes out at sea.  Then he became sick, so he just wants, to go to the casino and spend and enjoy himself." explained Lucas as he took the key to the gate the led to the boat.  "How in the -world did you get the key?" asked Nico  

"I have to eat.  I babysit this body.  Make sure it's here and not taken.  Clean it up once a week.  Old man Davis pays me forty dollars a week.  It's not much, but she a beauty and if I get a buy I'll throw me two hundred.  So, do you got the money or what?" he asked  "Of course I do, first I need to taste drive it." said Nico  "Do you have a cell?" he asked   Nico retrieved his cell out his jacket pocket and handed it to him.    Lucas calls Mr. Davis and informed him that someone wanting to test drive the boat.  The old man was happy to hear this, so he told them he'll be at the docks in ten minutes with the key.  Lucas hung up and told Nico and Lucian to sit down for a while that Mr. Davis will soon arrive with the key.

Then Lucian pulled Nico aside, "Sir, do you know how to drive one of these things?" the boy asked  "Not really, I drove a boat before, but never that big." replied Nico  "Maybe you should ask him to come along.  We still have money left over, offer him some." suggested the young boy.  "I don't think that's a good idea.  What if he gets greedy and tried to hurt us?" asked Nico with a worried look.  "Then I'll call my friend, and we throw him overboard to them." said Lucian "What are Dolphins going to do?" asked Nico  "I have different friends, not just dolphins.  "You mean sharks?" he asked  "Right Sir, now please ask him," said Lucian   

Nico sat down next to him when he was about to ask him a short old man, dress in fancy clothes and a hat, come walking towards them.  "Dude here he comes," said Lucas as he stood up.

They all stepped on boards as the old man interduces himself and hands Nico the key. Then Nico turned around and said, "Lucas, look I've never road a boat this large, I trust you know this boat is in good shape.  I'm going to buy it, but I'll need you to teach me how, now, you know later." explained Nico as he handed him the key.  "So you say, I'll be the captain of the baby and get paid. I'm in, Mr. Davis my friend here is ready to make the deal," he said with a smile.  They all sat down at the old man took out the papers and signed it over to Nico.  

Then Nico takes out the stacks of hundred and handed him his eighteen thousand and handed two thousand to Lucas.   When he saw that money, he eyes popped out, "What's this for? he asked "I need you for a week to teach me, if you don't want to, just give me the money back." explained Nico  "No, sir, let's finish here and we'll talk." said Lucas    Nico paid the old man.  "Thank you for the business," he said as he shook Nico's hand and handed Lucas two hundred dollars. "Good job, you came through for me," he said as he smiled and went on his way.


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