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Nico quickly helped the boy with the bags, as the surfaces to form the ocean.  They sat on the beach chairs.   Nico untied the bags and decided to open the heaviest one first.  Nico was hoping they're gold coins inside the bag.  To his surprise, it was nothing but dollar coins.   "We did well.  Is that enough to buy a ship?" the young boy asked with a smile.  "No, these coins are not gold." he said  "I know that, but I saw Lucas with some of those and he brought something called beer." said Lucian   "He took you to buy with him to buy beer.  What kind of shit is that?  This will buy something to eat that about it.  Let me take a look at the other bag." said Nico as he opened up the bag.   a big smile covered his face.  

The young boy noticed, "We found something good? Did we?" he asked as he went to take a closer look.    Nico took out hundred dollar bills raped seal in plastic.  "Lucian actually where did you find this?" asked Nico as he counting five small packs of bills.  The bundle each were mark ten thousand.   "Why do you asked where I found it, the law of the sea, states that this belongs to the person who found it. Now, do we have enough for a boat."   

"Yes we do, but can I asked you a question?" he asked  "Sure sir,  ask away." said the boy as they both began to pick up to leave.  "You swim like a fish, all down in the deep.  But you can swim home.  Why is that?" he asked   "Hell, I'm a kid.  If I swim from here to the location I must go, I'll be too tired to swim deep and turn to land." explained the boy  "What do you mean, get to land?" asked Nico who by now was very confused.  "Sir Nico listen, at the center of the triangle there's a small funnel, you jump into the funnel and it'll take you to Atlantic, where I come from," explained Lucian

"I knew it!  When I saw you, you know swimming like a fish I knew you had to be from the lost city of Atlantis.  I knew it, your swimming is awesome and you communicate with the dolphins.  I beat you can communicate with whales too.  How freaken cool is that." said Nico excited and rumbling on nonsense.   "Calm down sir, it's only Atlantis, nothing to go crazy about." said the boy looking at Nico as though something was wrong with him.

"What do you mean no big deal?  Of course, it's a big deal!  You are from the lost city.  Tell me, boy, how is it there?" asked  Nico still excited.

"It's alright I guess. We are not allowed to go deep into the ocean, the funnel sometimes drags us to your surface.  Now you know what happened to me." said Lucian  Can you take me there?" asked Nico still amazed by the whole thing.

"No, I can't we aren't allowed but, even if we do let you normals in, you won't make pass the deep waters, you surely will drown and those who make it there by accident, will never return.  So they stay with us until their time to die arrives." explained Lucian  "Damn, dumber, I guess you will make the trip alone.  Come we need to go buy a boat then after that, pick up Lucas and Frank." he said as he stepped into the car.   "Sir what do we need them for, one wants to hurt me, one wants to owe me, this is not a good idea." said the boy worried.

"Lucian, you do want to go home don't you?" Nico asked   "Of course, I want to go home." the boy replied  "If these two open their big mouth, we'll have of kinds of reporters and police, along with the FBI.  Once they get their hands on you, you will never see you home again." explained Nico   "Oh, Sir, since you put it that way, let go picked them up first then we'll go buy the boat." suggested Lucian   "You know you are so on the money, let's go get them." said Nico as he turned on the car and took road away.

LucianOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora