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The boat was already on the dock, so Nico and Lucian were ready to go.  He told Lucas that they wanted to go fishing in the Bermuda triangle.    That is was known to be very large fishes in the area.   Lucas didn't believe the story they told him, all he knew that he was making money and he was going to sleep in a motel for a long time.

"Well, what's the plan?" he asked excepting to hear more lies.  "Well, the kid and I are going to pick up some food, water and other things we might need.  Do you want us to bring you something back?" Nico as him as he Lucian stepped off of the boat.  "Hey, you really leave me here alone?  You know I'm a thief, right?" he said with a smile.  "Look, I paid you not to be a crook, so if I get back and there's no ship and no you.  You're going to be hiding for the rest of your life, cause if catch you.  you will die. Did you get that?  Now here, fill up the tank and buy at least three full gas containers, just in case we run out of fuel." said Nico as he and Lucian walked away.

"Hey, are we really going to the Bermuda Triangle?" he yelled from a distance.  "Yes we are!" they both said as he went on their way hoping that Luca gets to work and shut up.

Nico headed back to the road where he left his car parked.  "Where are we going?" Lucian asked  "We need to pick up some food and other things." he said as he drove home.   When they arrived Nico quickly went into the house.  He grabbed a couple of duffle bags.  He took one and gave one to Lucian, "Go in the kitchen and put anything that you like to eat in the bag.  Make sure you grabbed soda and water." he said as he opens the patio glass door.  "Where are you going?" he asked when he noticed Nico leaving.  "Don't worry, do as I told you, and meet me back at the car," he said as he went out to the backyard.

 Lucian began to load up the duffle bag with goodies and drinks without using his hands.  He would look at what he wanted and it flew into the bag.   While Lucian was doing his part, someone was spying once again.   "Oh, shit the kid is an alien! He's going his evil magic and stealing food.  I know what I saw, I must call the police!" he yelled as he turned to run.  Lucian heard him talking, and by the time Frank turned, to run, he was in the air floating, along with the full duffle bag.  "Shit! Put me down! Help! Someone Alien, help!" he screamed as he and the bag floated into the trunk of Nico's car.

Meanwhile, Nico is breaking into Frank's house looking for him.  He knew that Frank has been spying on them, so he figures he'll take him along for the trip, and maybe pay him like he paid Lucas.  But as he enters and checks every room and the enter house.  But Frank was nowhere to be found.  This made Nico a bit nervous, what if Frank already called the police, what then. He thought as he stopped searching and headed back to his car.

When he arrived at his car, Lucian was already sitting down and ready to go home.  Nico enters the car, "So did you get plenty of food and drinks for us?" he asked as he looked back at Frank's house as he turns on the car.  Lucian realize that he was acting weird, "Is anything wrong, Sir?" he asked wondering.  "Everything is just peachy," he said as they continue on the way to the docks.  

When they arrived at the parking lot, "Nico can you give me a hand with the duffle bags?" he asked as they stepped out of the car.   "Sure," Nico replied as he went to help him.  As they walked to the back of the car, Lucian became nervous.   Nico opened up the trunk and to his surprise, Lucian had packed two bags not one.   Nico grabbed the two duffle bags when he realized that was too heavy.  

"Boy what in the world did you put in these bags?' he asked as he put one of the bags back down.  "Well, we can carry one and come back for the other." suggested Lucian  "No, I want to go home, not walk back here." he said  "Let me give Lucas a ring, he can meet us and carry one of the bags.  By the way, how did you put them in the trunk by yourself, I can't even hardly move them?" he said as he dials Luca's number.

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