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The following morning at five am, Nico woke and began to get all the fishing equipment ready. After he had everything ready to go, he woke the others up from their sleep.   "Get up Honey, we're going fishing," he said as he pats her on her butty.    "Are you crazy? It's five thirty, go away," said Kara as she turned around to the other side of the bed.  "Come on, let's go fishing as a family," suggested Nico  

"Oh, ready, like a family, then you and Lucian go, I'm staying in bed, like all the other mother that stays in bed, while their husband that like to go fishing for no reason at all," she said as she cuddles up with her pillow and went back to sleep.   

Nico knew that there's no way she's getting up, so he figured, he let her sleep.   He then went to the guest room and woke up the young boy.  "Hey, little buddy, it's time to wake up," he said as he shook his shoulder.   Lucian opened his eyes.  His eyes were glowing blue.  "Hey, what's wrong with you?" he asked as he stood up off the bed and walked back a little.   "Mr. Nico, is there anything wrong? the boy asked as he stood up from his bed.  Nico looked at him again, and the boy's eyes were normal.   "No, here I've taken out some clothes for you, get dressed I'll wait for you downstairs," said Nico as he closed the bedroom door behind him.   "Sure sir, will do," said Lucian as he began to dress.

When he was done, he headed downstairs.   "I'm ready sir," he said as he walked down the steps.  "Wow, the clothes fit you perfectly.  I have everything we need already inside the car.   Now here you go, you'll need this jacket it's kind of cold outside, being it so early.  Are you ready to go fishing?" he said as they exit the house.

As they got inside the car, "Sir, I am hungry, can we eat some fish, as soon as we get there?" he asked  "Here you go, I'd made us some ham and cheese sandwiches for breakfast and their hot chocolate in this thermos for you and coffee in this one for me." he contained to explained.

Lucian looked at the sandwich.  He separates the sandwich and only ate the bread.   "You don't like ham and cheese, I have to remember that," he said with a smile.  "No, I don't like anything with milk or meat.  They taste bad to me." he explained  "Really?  So what did your patient feed you?"  Nico asked as he continues driving.  

"Fish, lots and lots of fish." he replied  "You know too much seafood and give you mercury poison." said Nico  "Not to us sir, not to us." said the boy as he began to eat his bread.  Then Nico handed him a water bottle.  "Hey, you drank milk yesterday with the oreo's." said Nico  "Yes and no, I poured the milk down the sink when you darling wife wasn't paying attention.:" explained Lucian

"Really, you little sneak." said Nico with a smile   "Hey, my mother away called me that." said Lucian  "Really?  Why?" he asked  "Cause I always got in trouble when I sneak away to the ocean." the boy explained  "What? Sneak away to the ocean?  Wouldn't you drown?" asked Nico as they finally arrived at the beach.    "Me drown are you crazy.  I can swim like a fish. If you like I will show you." said Lucian as he quickly jumps out of the car.   

They began to set up the camp, "I don't need you to show me you can swim.  I do believe you, besides it's April and the water is freezing." said Nico as he began to set up the fishing rod.  "What is that sir?" the boy asked  "This is a fishing rod.  You know what we use to catch the fish." he explained   "No, I don't use that." said the boy  "If you don't fish with a fishing rod, show me what you use." he said    

"We don't use anything.  Just our minds." the boy explained as he got close to the edge of the water.  "Hey, don't get too close to the edge, you can fall.  The water is too cold, you could get hyperthermia and freeze to death," explained Nico as he grabbed the boy away from the edge of the boardwalk.     "What?  What is hyperthermia?" asked the boy  "Like I said you'll freeze and never wake up." said Nico  "Oh, don't worry that doesn't happen to us." said Lucian as he quickly without any warning drove into the ocean.    "Oh, my god, kid are you crazy.  Oh, no  Kara is going to kill me if something happens to this kid.  Oh no.  Where is he I can see him anywhere." he spoke out loud in a frantic.    

Then fishes began to come out of the water rapidly, one by one.  Big fish small fish, and even a small shark.   Nico became confused while trying to dodge the fishes from smacking and grabbing the ones he wanted. "What in the world is going on?" he said as he began to pick the fishes that he wanted.  He picked up four big bluefish and that nice small shark and placed them in the cooler.  

"Hey, stop you're not feeding an army," Nico yelled as he looked around in the water to see if he can spot where the kid was.  Then  Lucian took his head out of the water, "I'm over here!" he yelled then he disappeared into the water again.  "Lucian, come out of the water now.  It's too cold.  You're going to get sick! yelled Nico as he walked around following the boy on land.  "Sir come in, it's not cold at all," said Lucian who was not swallowing every small fish he could get his hands on.  

Somehow the boy had gills which help him with his breathing, this was something that Nico didn't see, for they were only visible once he was inside the water.   Lucian looked up and noticed that Nico was kind of worry for him.   He figures he had enough fish to eat, and Nico also had enough fish.  So he began to head to the shore.  When he reached the beach, Nico was already panicking.  "My God, the boy is gone.  Oh, I knew this would happen." he said as he glances at the water   "Sir, you know what would happen?" asked Lucian who was now standing right behind him.  

"Boy?" said Nico as he glances at the ocean and then at the boy.  "How did you do that?" he asked in shock  "Easily, I was born in the water.  Well do you have enough fish?" asked the boy  "Yes we do, look help me throw all these back, you caught too many." said Nico as he continues dropping the extra fishes back into the ocean.  

"Strange, the other man Lucas, he wanted more than that all the time.  Then he sold some to the people.  He had me do this every day." explained Lucian as he gave Nico a hand dropping the fishes back into the ocean.  "That's why he wants you back, you're his money ticket.  Come let's finish up here and go home," said Nico     They packed everything up and headed home.  While driving back, Nico couldn't stop thinking about what this boy just did.  The body temperature was not affected at all.  He knew that somehow this boy wasn't normal, he was special.

During the ride home, Lucian fell asleep.  Nico kept touching his head making sure that the body temperature was fine.  He just couldn't understand, how the boy stood over an hour inside that water like a fish without any sign of hyperthermia.   They finally arrived at the house.  Nico woke the boy up.  Then they both, together pick up the cooler with the fish and headed to the backyard.   "O right Lucian, now it's time to clean fish," he said but still thinking about the day he had.

"Oh, that's a good idea, the inside is all so bitter.  If I ever do get back home, I will tell my patient that secret." he explained  "What, your patients also ate the insides of the fish?" he asked  "Yes, that's the part with the most nutrients, so they say.  I've never cared for it." he explained   Nico thought to himself, this shit is getting weirder by the second.     "Lucian go let Kara know that we've arrived," he asked as he continued to clean the fish.   "Sure, be right back," he said as he ran into the house.  The boy seems happy, not like the way he was when he arrived.  Somehow, he felt safe with Nico and Kara.

"Hey, Mrs. Kara," he said as he entered the kitchen.  "Hey, little man.  Did you catch any fish?" she asked  "Of course, I always have a good catch.  I swim too fast, they can't get away from me." he explained  "What did you just say?  Nico let you go into the cold water?" she asked in a mean voice   Lucian saw that look before, his mother made that face every time he'd done something wrong.  So he quickly rephrased his sentence.  "No, I was just joking.  But we did have a good catch today," he explained in a panic   

"Boy, don't joke that way.  You can get someone in trouble for no reason what so ever.  So how many fish did you catch?" she asked with a smile  "How many?  Let's see?  We caught a lot, I did lose count.  But we brought back four bluefish and one small shark." he explained catching every word he said before speaking.    "Wow, you two really do some good fishing today.  Let me go turn the grill on.  Go let Nico know that I'm setting up the grill." she said  Lucian did as he was told.  Then he asked if he could watch TV for a while.   Kara turned it on for him and there he sat until dinner was ready.

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