chapter 8.

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I know, i know I haven't updated in a long time and Am really sorry about that. Also please pardon me for my errors because i know there are so many errors, for that forgive me.

They say letting go is never easy but it's necessary, that even if you have everything set for you, but still feel its not right, you should let go.

Leaving my parents was the hardest thing I had to do, not that I don't feel safe and secure there but I knew deep down, that wasn't my place forever, that I had to move, change environment, scene, get to know new people and experience new things.

But the truth is, that's the journey of life, what has been set for you can never be changed.

I have to learn to stay and endure pain because I don't know where I'll find myself tomorrow, that means I have to learn to live with annur no matter the pain and love him like my husband. Also, respect my parents decision and advice.

Leaving the reception was hard, leaving my parents from the embrace covered on me was more hard but I had no choice.

We arrived at annur's house and my jaw drops. Ya Allah this place is huge.

I know I and my family are rich and our house is a mansion but this house, Ya Allah it is twice where I was living before. From the outside view you would know the house is well planed and I couldn't imagine seeing the inside.

"What are you thinking of love," Annur said breaking me from my thoughts as we enter the building.

" I wasn't thinking of anything." I lie turning towards him. And him calling me 'love' what's that about? I have been waiting for annur to throw one of his disrespect towards me, but ever since we got to the nikkah, he has been nothing but nice.

Well also naughty, but nice.

"Okay then." He replies going forward as I follow him. I follow annur to who knows where he is going, but I think it  is my room he is taking me to.

"Drop your bags here, the maid will arrange them tomorrow, just take your clothes for the night and follow me". He speaks clearly.

"Okay." I take out my clothes from one of my box and follow him again.

God this house is really big, although I didn't get the chance to see clearly but from what I can see, there would be at least 10 rooms if not more, it is like an hotel, but more like in a Muslim house manner.

"So this is our room and.." Annur said.

"Our room?" I look up at him as he gives me a questioned brow. You mean me and you?" I ask again

"Of course." he answers. "I mean you and I, God hatina don't behave like a kid, we're married now." He replies obviously.

I know married couples do stay in the same room but I and annur aren't in love, so what does that mean?

But still we are married, so it shouldn't matter. He is right we have to stay together. If I want a fresh start and to build something new I have to accept it.

"I'm not behaving like a kid, I was just asking." I answer.

"Well now you know." Annur says unbelievably angry as he leaves.

Great, now he's mad at me. What did I do?

I push all the thoughts away from my mind and take my clothes to the bathroom to get changed before coming out to have a nice rest after all of today's stress.

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