chapter 18.

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"What an elderly can see,  even if a child climbs up a mountain, he or she may not see it"

Have patience in all you do.

We get home after spending like an hour from our original time. I walk out of the car and met annur as he intertwines our hands and lead me inside. I am still frightened from the previous scene but I put on a good face and keep it down.

We walk inside the house to see decorations and the place lifted with life, people and glamour. My face brighten as I look up to see annur smile at me.

Oh my God all these for me?

"What took you guys so long? We've been waiting for like forever," Faiza say breaking our gaze.

"Um.." I search for what to say but no avail, finally Annur rescues me

"We had to branch somewhere and don't even ask where," Annur speak being serious. I guess he really didn't want anyone knowing.

"Oh I get. Anyways annur please bring her to us when you both are done with your lovey dovey," Faiza smiles before she leaves.

What does she get? Of course she doesn't know anything, she can't, it'll just make all of them worry.

I look back at annur but then his face is still stiffen and he isn't looking at me, I hold his hand tighter so he can turn his attention back to me. His gaze meeting mine as he stares at me with different emotions running through them.

"I'm here and I'm not leaving anytime soon." I assure him but he just keeps on staring at me. Out of nowhere I feel Annur pull me closer to him. "I love you so much." He says before he presses his lips on mine and kisses me like he is never going to see me.

I kiss him back reassuring him that I am indeed still here with him. We break the kiss as we are still outside before he smiles at me. Finally that smile that I've been meaning to see.

He gestures for me to look inside and I do as I turn to look at the people there and see familiar faces

"Umma, Abba!" I leave annur's embrace and rush over to my parents.

"Asalam Umma, Salam Abba," I greet them as I reach them embracing each of them.

"My child how are you? And happy birthday," Abba says hugging me tight.

"Happy birthday my darling," Umma say as she hugs me too as I leave Abba.

"Thank you so much, I'm so happy you both are here. I'm so sorry I haven't talked to the both of you, I don't even have any excuse but I'm really sorry." I tell them truthfully. I can't actually tell them that Annur has occupied all of my brain.


"Oh my child we understand, just call us more often okay?" Mom says and I nod in agreement.

"Hatina, I hope all is all. I hope you're happy my child?" Dad asks out of the blue. I turned to look at him and smile widely. Yes everything is okay, everything is perfect and I want to tell them all, but I know I could only say the bits.

I am indeed very happy, the way annur talks to me, treats me, loves me and the way he touches me passionately, all these things make me love him more.

"Abba I am very happy, and I want to thank you so much for bringing Annur into my life, for making me marry him and Allah for joining us together. Abba, umma, thank you so much I am very happy." I tell them truthfully as I embrace them again.

"This has always been my dream for me to see my two daughters in a good home where they are treated with love and respect. Alhamdulilah, I'm so happy." Abba says while we depart. I talk to them for some while catching up on some things after since my departure.

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