chapter 13.

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Hatina's POV.

I wake up to pray my fagr, walk to perform ablution and wait for annur to get ready.

I couldn't stop thinking about last night, how he cared for me and made me feel better In ways no one has ever done. He did a terrible thing also yesterday, but I could see it in his eyes that he regrets it, he wants to fix it and I'm ready to give him that chance.

The annur I knew before I got married wouldn't have even cared a bit about what happened to me, but this annur seems different. Maybe I also never got to know him, just what the magazines said and our first meeting, but now I'm willing to give him that chance and see where this goes, afterall we're married for better or worse.

He leads the prayer and we both read the Qur'an for some time before going back to sleep.


After some hours of sleeping, I hear a bang coming with an aroma that traps my nose, I follow it and when I see where it was coming from a chuckle escapes my lungs.

"What are you doing?" I sau to annur who is in the kitchen cooking.

"You've finally woken up, thought you would sleep all day," He replies as I hug my body leaning into the wall.

"Very funny, so what are you really doing?"

"I'm cooking of course."

"Cooking? You cook?"

"Yes I do cook." He says and I nod indeed.

"Hmm, so what are you cooking?"

"Why don't you wait, It'll soon be ready, just go and sit, today I'll be the one to take care of the cooking." Annr says with pride.

"Okay, I can't wait," I sa waving my hand before going to sit on the chair. After some minutes of waiting and tapping my fingers, Annur finally speaks.

"Its ready," I hear annur say as he brings it to the table.

"I wonder how it tastes?" I laugh.

"Why don't you have a taste first, before you criticize it".

"What? I didn't criticize, I didn't even say anything about that, you did." I tell him chuckling before I take a spoonful of the food.

"Wow annur, this is really nice!" I take another of the lasagna.

"Told ya, you see you can't compete with me,"

"Really, you think so?" I drop the cutlery.

"No, I know so," He says to me face.

"Okay then let's have a duel," I initiate.

"I like it, in what?" He crosses his arms together.

"In many things," I say


"If I choose you mustn't object," I raise a brow at him.


"Okay, then." I say putting my fingers on my cheek thinking.

"Can I also bring my suggestions." He leans closer to the table.

"Of course."

"I want us to duel in cooking". He talks and I stare at him in disbelief.

"Wow, Really? Cooking? Are you sure you're up for it? It won't look good if get beaten up"

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see right?" He says with full assurance and I nod my head in acceptance.

"So we start now."

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