chapter 33.

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Annur's POV.

7 months later.

"Habibi hurry up," Its been seven months now and I and hatina have really gone far with our relationship, as she has recovered very well from what happened in the past months.

"Love, I need help with my cloth is too tight," She says. Of course it would be, her tummy is grown and she has just few weeks left till delivery, that's what the doctor said.

Hatina asked me what I would like her to be calling me, she said, she wanted something special for me, and since I loved it whenever she told me she loves me, she decided to call me love from that moment.

"Because your tummy is too big," I say teasing her.

"And who's the cause if it?" She asks with a raised brow.

"I don't know," I say giving a pretend smile.

"It because of you!" She hits my arm. Since her pregnancy she has become more troublesome, sometimes she wakes me up in the middle of the night saying she wants to eat pizza and when I bring it she says she doesn't want it again, I should get her ice cream. I literally have the house stuck with every type of food you could think of, this woman is something.

But I love her.

"Well I'm sorry for that, but the baby will be here soon," I say dragging her close to my chest. I didn't bother arguing with her, because she always finds her way.

What makes me laugh the most is when she says I'm the cause of her pregnancy, like we both  didn't want it. Though if it was possible for me to carry our baby I would,  cause man that morning sickness is real.

But mehhh, that would be really weird. Lol.

"Annur you know am still battling with my cloth," She says.

"You can wear mine," I say sarcastically.

"You know what you're right, I'll just wear your suit," She says giving a grin.

"What! No way, come on let's get something for you to wear." I say going to her closet.

"Okay." She follows me.

"What about this?" I pick out an ash abaya and a haijab with it.

"Okay that'll do," She says. At least she didn't argue with this one too. Thank God. Atimes, she makes me look for clothes for her to wear and when I bring them, she declines them all.

Imagine this woman, then she says she's not even wearing hers and she ends up wearing only my shirt,  running round the house like a baby.  Oh, I really do not have a problem with her in my shirt,  in fact I love when she does those.

Immediately Hatina was discharged from the hospital, we came back to my house, we stooped staying at my parents. We've stayed for a lot of time right?

"Good hurry up," I say back.

"Love," She calls me.

"Yes babe,"

"I'm hungry, I want a milkshake," Not again she just ate three sandwich all by herself and she's still hungry, well I can't blame her she's eating for two.

"Fine I'll get it, but before I get back be ready." I say planting a kiss on her forehead.

We're headed to the state prison, I know you're wandering what we're going to do there, I'll tell you.

Hatina says she has to talk to haleema, and see how Alex is doing. You see that the thing about my wife, she has a kind heart. even if anyone does anything bad to her she forgives so easily, she always has a place in heart for everyone that's another reason why I love her so much.

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