chapter 28.

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Annur's POV.

Last chapter.

I'm going to marry hani


Oh God what have I done? Did I think clearly? How can I leave hatina for that psycho.

No, No, No, but if I don't, hani will let hatina suffer, and if its only I that's gonna suffer, I don't have a problem with that.

Speaking of problems, I do have many of them. How will I tell my parents I'm going to divorce hatina for hani? They will disown me once they hear that, not until I give them the condition Hani has left.

The very first time I met Hani, was in a club a few years back. A friend of mine introduced us and being me back then, I instantly wanted her based on her exposure. 

She has always been wild, and didn't give a shit to the extent that became a problem later in our relationship.

I won't deny, Hani and I together was such a bad thing and I won't place all the blame on her, as I was also at fault. We intoxicated each other haramly, doing unspeakable things that right now I just look at myself like WTF.

"What the hell were you thinking saying you'll marry her? You just jeopardized our whole work of finding her. How sure are you that she'll let her go even if you marry her, she can decide to use her as bait if you try to divorce her too. What the hell were you thinking?" Milan says.

What! Did he just say all those things to me?

He's right though what the hell am I thinking? I know I'm not thinking clearly, I can't because the she's not here with me, she's my life, my everything and I'll do anything to get her back.

"Milan I don't have a choice its either we take the risk or we don't. Also I have to do what makes Hatina happy, she wouldn't want to be trapped under Hani's nails and be tortured by her," I say.

"Yes we have a choice. You talk about making her happy, I bet you she won't be happy when she hears that you're gonna divorce her for that psycho, she's your wife and she married you because she loves you and now you want to divorce her. Man get your head straight and let's think of something," Milan says.

Wow that's a lot. At least we both agree on something that Hani is a pyscho.

Milan is right I won't make hatina happy by divorcing her, although she never said anything whenever I told her I love her, she just blushes but I don't care, I love her.

I won't divorce her, I can't do it. Now, we're gonna play hani.

"Chill Milan, I'm thinking of something," I say.

"What is it?" He says. Funny, isn't he the one to come up with a plan he's a detective for God's sake.

"You see I know hani too well and I know what she wants, she's obsessed with me and whenever I'm around she's always all over me, that she doesn't think clearly." I tell Milan.

"So what are you saying? " Milan asks.

"I'm saying that hani will want the both of us to meet, and then when we both meet I'll try to act like I'm being sincere......"

"And then we'll plant a tracker on her so we'll know where she goes and from there, we can get her and bring hatina back" Milan cuts me off.

"Exactly "

"Okay, okay good plan," Milan says

"So I....." I couldn't complete my statement when my phone begins to ring.

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