chapter 29.

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Hatina's POV.

The tears never ending as I think of what Annur just told me.

He's going to marry hani. Why? Why does she have to do this? Isn't torturing me enough for her.

My child will grow up with no father, I never wished this, neither did I ever think of it. How does he expect me to take care of our child alone, its not fair to me and my baby. How could he even think this.

It's not fair to me. Not after everything.

I couldn't even get the chance to tell him that I'm carrying his child.

All these thoughts makes my body hurt. I'm still tied and my hands hurt so much. I've been here for days now and I know it, Hani usually slaps me, says mean things to me and I thank God she hasn't beat me up again after Annur told her he would marry her, there isn't even one nice person here well except from Alex, others have been really mean to me, they don't even give me food.

My cheeks hurt so much, my writs, my head, every part of my body, the only time they let me loose is when Alex brings the food and after that, they tie me back up. I can't even feel the blood in my body again, my breathing is ragged.

Alex has been really caring, he usually takes care of me, feed me, clean my wounds and console me.

He said he was going to come and see me later on today, that he had something to tell me.

I cry my eyes out thinking of everything that has happened. At least I heard Annur's voice, I got to talk to him, I'm sure he heard my crooked voice all because of Hani.

"Hey are you okay?" Alex comes in

"Hani wants Annur to marry her," I tell him lowly.

"What!" He exclaims.

"Yes its true," I say.

"That can't happen," He comes close to me. "Remember I told you I have to tell you something," Alex says.


"I'm going to break you out, we're going to get out of here, I'm going to take you back to Annur and I'll run away too," Alex speaks making me smile in happiness. Finally, I'll get to see my husband.

"Alex thank you so much, but how are you going to do that?" I ask.

"Don't worry I've planned everything. We..." He says trying to untie me but he is cut off by noises outside.

"What is that?" I ask him.

"The question is who is that?" He says as he walks to the door.

"Don't worry I'll be back, we'll get out of this hellhole." He adds.

I watch him as he leaves and I wish he never did. I am all alone now when I hear voices.

"Do You think you're the boss here? We're both in this together," I hear Hani's voice talking to someone.

"I told you to wait till I get back, why can't you just listen" I hear the other say. Ya Allah this voice sounds familiar.

I want it to hear clearly but they are far from me, I can only pick out pieces of the person's voice.

"To wait? I fucking waited for a day and were where you huh? And you expect me to keep on waiting for you?"

"Why don't you get that, I was held up with something at the office"

"office office office, Too bad I don't take orders from you. I had to do something remember, I didn't just kidnap her to stare at her, I kidnapped her to get Annur back," I hear hani say.

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