Being his halal.

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Please read my authors note Below and listen to the song as you read. I love it so much.

Annur's POV.

I make my way with hatina to see Hani, and when we're done we'll see Alex too.

I don't know why,but I don't usually care before, but now that hatina is in my life she has changed me, she has made me believe in Allah, love, good heart, kindness, every single good thing. She's like an angel sent from above to guide me and I'm thankful to Allah for bringing her to me. Even my profanities has reduced a lot.

I remember when I was still with Hani and had some problems, what she usually does was to take me to a bar, get drunk, flirt with girls and other haram things, but now that hatina in my life things are the opposite. When ever I have a problem I go to Allah straight forward and believe in him because he is the one and only true God.

We wait for some minutes for them to bring Hani,while we wait. "Hello my darling, I see you've come to see me." She says, but when she glances at Hatina she freezes.

"What is she doing here? How.... Is.." She stutter.

"She came with me of course, what did you expect?" I ask.

"If you think I'm going to apologize or something, then get the hell out cause I ain't sorry." She says still standing.

"I'm not here for you to say sorry, I don't even care." I tell her.

"Then why are you here?" She asks.

"I'm here to tell you that..." She cuts me off. I hate it.

"Look Annur, I loved you deeply but now I see that I was just a fool to you, you never felt the same way, that's why you never told your parents about me. I was never good enough for you," She says broken.

Hani is right, this is my fault and if I hadn't made her believed we were serious, all these couldn't have happened.

"And I'm sorry for that, yes its my fault." I say and I quickly shut up as Hani widens her eyes.

Oh my God I can't believe I actually accepted something for the first time in my life.

"Did you just say its your fault? what has she done to you?" She says looking at Hatina and Hatina smiles

"Yes I just said it. I shouldn't have made you feel that way and when I knew I was getting married, I neglected you which I shouldn't have done and I'm sorry." I add.

I'm the one apologizing now.

"Look I just want to clear things here. Hatina has made me realize there is good in everyone, she forgives you although it was a hard thing, but if she does, I do too and I'm not saying you should apologize." I tell her.

"Good because I was never going to, I don't regret whatever I've done. You two are pathetic." She says looking at Hatina.

"I wish you and that baby had just died," She says with much hatred to Hatina and her face changes.

"You know why we didn't die? Because we're not like you, we're better than you that's why we still see good in you, I forgive you, its left for Allah." Hatina says while Hani and i stare surprised at her words.

She is fierce.

"I do not care what ever you say, just one thing I'll say. Mind your own damn business and don't come back here." She says and I stanf up holding hatina with me to leave

"I wish you change of heart and Allah's forgiveness," I say and then we leave.

I feel better after clearing things up, but Hani didn't do the same. I don't understand why some people can be this heartless.

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