Chapter 8: Inside a Robot's Body

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Go-bot had managed to place himself in a very inconvenient position. Somehow he'd managed to sneak into the corners of a radio station at the outer edge of the district. The radio station, essential for sending data between planets, was still quite far away from the research facility, but really it couldn't be helped, it was still the closest one Go-bot could find. Thankfully, as usual, the Evos didn't care for maintenance, the entire radio station was fully automated with absolute no level of cognition at all, hiding there was an ideal spot at least.

"I hate this, Go-bot's body is the worst thing ever." Said Ava,

"Don't complain, our bodies probably won't be able to handle this atmosphere anyway." Sylvie replied. She was right, the morning sun did little to alleviate the clear frost that was spread across the vast landscape of the district. As Go-bot shuffled out of the factory it was clear how much importance the Evos placed on their research. There were thousands of frozen Evo corpses being collected, mostly likely being taken away to the scrapyard. This was how they did things, worked the Evos to death in the blistering cold until their joints had frozen and their circuits burned out, and then replaced them with other Evos for the same purpose.

"This is what you call strength in numbers eh?" Ava joked,

"Right. I'm surprised you managed to survive out here Go-bot." Sylvie added,

"I only arrived here an hour ago Ma'am." Go-bot replied, "my body will be able to withstand the cold for a few months until I freeze and die."

"...You won't die Go-bot, jeez." Ava replied. Sylvie didn't say a word. "Let's get this mission over with quickly. Do you have the co-ordinates of the facility Sylvie? The quickest route too."

"Quickest route? Uhm... That's difficult to say. There's a magnetic tram that basically grabs all employees and takes them on a rail straight to the facility. But it'd probably be safer to go on foot. I mean, that's part of the mission brief."

"Let's go on the tram."

Sylvie didn't reply for a moment, "Ok, I'll put the route to the tram up on Go-bot's visual identifier. Just follow the arrows."


Just like last time, Go-bot was mind-numbingly slow. Ava regretted having full control of Go-bot's body, he would've preferred to have Go-bot in the driver's seat in all honesty, but that wasn't possible with the set up that had been made. Damn.

It took hours. And hours... but the three eventually made it to the tram station. Ava really didn't know what he expected when Sylvie had told him it was a giant magnet, but it certainly wasn't that. It was literally just a giant circular magnet held on to a rail. The magnet itself was slightly padded so that the Evos didn't get too damaged, but it was still a complete free-for-all.

"A train ride. Those are fun." Said Go-bot

"I didn't know you knew what "fun" was Go-bot," Ava replied,

"Hey, he's not a complete machine you know." Sylvie added,

"Too bad, both of you will have to take a back seat. I'll be enjoying the ride, it seems."

"How are you gonna get on that thing anyway? You need some sort of clearance ID, like the facility you entered the other day. We don't have that this time."

"..." Ava didn't reply. He turned to the building where all the robots were registering their ride ID, a two-storey registry office which was still in the middle of being built, cranes and the like surrounding it. Ava had his eyes on someone. A behemoth of a robot, bigger than he'd ever seen. Its lower abdomen was a giant dome with wheels, and its upper torso had four claw-like arms coming out from either side. Its head was nothing more than a small sphere, two big black eyes sunken into its face. Ava had no idea what purpose that sort of Evo could possibly have, but it was his next target. He waddled into the shadows and went around the building so that he was now behind the giant.

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