Chapter 89: Betrayal

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When Ava woke up, he found Sylvie huddled in his arms. He wasn't sure how she'd ended up in that position, but that wasn't what was on his mind at the moment. She wasn't moving at all. He'd never seen a body so motionless.

She was dead.

He wanted to cry but nothing happened. Of course, Serv bodies didn't have that function anymore, the ones they built millennia ago did, but now... it was an unnecessary function, so it had been taken out.

So he sat there, wallowing in his sadness. He didn't know what to think, what to do. He just stared at Sylvie's face and did nothing.

The floor was starting to flood with preservative liquid, it was already starting to harden in certain areas. Ava didn't feel like moving, he'd already made it so that any last chance of the human race surviving would be gone forever.

If he stayed here, his wish to let the Servs forge their own path and live without the curse of mankind on their back would come to pass. Let all of mankind die. What point was there in him being around anymore?

Still, there was one more thing he needed to do.


Aphrodite and Major were standing on the roof of the building, they could hear the alarms ringing from inside and it was rumbling as more and more of the insides were getting destroyed. The facility was in ruins and there were thousands of corpses of the mutated humans splattered down on the ground below.

The building stood high into the sky, towering above everything else, and the warmth of the setting sun bathed the empty roof in an orange glow. There was nothing there apart from the two of them, a ship for them to escape, and a teleporter that led to the inside of the building.

It was an awkward situation, Aphrodite had never really talked to The Major before, so they really just stood there in silence while waiting for Ava and Sylvie. The anxiousness was starting to build up inside of Aphrodite though, did they manage to unlock the system? Did they give control to mother like they promised?

More importantly, did they survive? Time was running out and they still hadn't made their way to the top.

Aphrodite glanced at The Major, she was looking into the distance, taking in the warmth of the setting sun. Honestly, it was a beautiful view, one that Aphrodite had seen at the sanctuary quite often, but... it was artificial. This Earth was in Jupiter, the sun was part of a solar skybox that reflected light. It wasn't what a real sunset on Earth would have looked like.


It really was beautiful.

And then the teleporter activated, Ava, carrying Sylvie's limp body, walked out. 

Aphrodite stared at the two, when she realised what she was looking at, she immediately stiffened. Her eyes started to water, it couldn't be...

"N-no, Ava, don't tell me she- she's ok right? She's not..." Aphrodite started, but she trailed off as she saw a look of disdain in Ava's eyes. It wasn't just sadness, it was hate.

Either way, he completely ignored her and shuffled towards the ship. He carefully placed Sylvie's body inside and then walked back out.

He looked up at the sky.

"Ava?" asked Aphrodite again,

"Don't call me that." he muttered, "That's not who I am. And yes, she's dead."

"What?! No... no!" Aphrodite started to tremble.

Ava said no more and started to make his way back to the teleporter.

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