End of Part 6: A Goodbye That Came Too Soon

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Two days passed in a flash, Tower Town had made preparations by evacuating the area in anticipation of the fall of the tower, and the Block-5s responsible for the bombing mission had been spending almost all their time preparing. Making sure all the bombs were placed correctly, gauging where the tower would collapse, and making plans of the immanent aftermath of the ordeal.

The delivery was to happen that night, on the outskirts of border, Koreh would be the one to check the bombs and Sylvie and five others were there to make sure nothing went wrong.

With the Tower shooting into the night sky and the town border several miles back, the gang sat on their truck on the desert and waited. The delivery was to come soon.

Everyone was nervous, they were approaching the conclusion to their first mission, doing this would be an act of starting an all out war, a revolution against the Block-1s. Finally they'd be noticed, finally Zedek and the unlocked cities wouldn't be ignored. Getting rid of the tower would have effects on Mars for miles and miles.

And then the group would attack another tower.

And another.

And another.

And they'd get more help from other unlocked Block-4s and Block-5s. The world would change.

Sylvie sat next to Koreh on the truck, Gobot was on her lap. She shivered. It wasn't because she was cold however, it was those emotions of hers cutting in again. Fear, uncertainty, guilt. What was she doing? Betraying her people? Or was she doing it for the greater good? The Major hadn't gotten back to her in the last two days, no orders on whether to continue with the mission on not. At a moment's notice the Major could tell Sylvie to stop them all, with lethal force if necessary.

And they were off the network, so their memories wouldn't be backed up. If they died, they'd be gone for good.

Maybe the Major would decide that it was time for a revolution, she seemed disgusted by the lies of her fellow Block-1s.

What were her orders going to be?

Speak of the devil. The Major opened the radio channel and started to talk to Sylvie,

"Sylvie? Are you there?" she asked,

"O-oh, hello Major," Sylvie replied, in her head,

"I'm sorry it's been a while since I messaged you. You should be getting the bombs today shouldn't you?"

"I'm waiting for them right now ma'am."

"I see."

"Ma'am... what are your orders? Should I stop them from doing this? I don't know where I am with this mission any more."

"Sylve, the Block-1s are our enemy. They've been working with Mother to control the Servs. I don't know why and I don't know how long for. But this entire war has been a lie."

"What!? When did you find this out!?"

"It's a long story, either way I found out that the disturbance that caused the network to crash here in Zedek was a result of a virus on Europa."

"...So the two really are connected then."

"Exactly. Furthermore, the virus still has its grip on the robots there. They're completely wide open. I'll be going on a mission with some next generation Block-2s to investigate Europa, in person."

"You're going on the mission too!?"

"Yes. This is an important one. We've detected a particular factory on Europa which needs to be hacked, once we do that we'll have enough data to isolate the exact whereabouts of Mother, where she's hiding in the clouds of Jupiter. Security on Europa is all but gone now. That valuable data is now wide open. Once I get that information, I can find Mother myself. And kill her."

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