File #12: Ava-11

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The eleventh Ava hacking unit, thirty-fourth hacking unit over all, created on July 12, 10,032AE.

The first publically unveiled Block-2. While all previous units have been sent on Black Projects for undercover missions, usually killed once the mission is finished, our plans follow Ava-11 are long-form. Unlike previous models, his hacking ability is such that he is able modify his own body and abilities to further suit his mission.

Ava-11 is a self-learning type Serv, from our research on humans we've found that this ability is incredibly powerful. Hence, once he is done with this mission, we'll set him to self-destruct, and then use the data gathered to perfect him when he becomes Ava-12.

Ava-11s current and only mission protocol is:

Infiltrate Europa, infiltrate and hack the main capital's research facility to find information on the new Evo superweapon.

Mission status:

Currently landed on Europa, leaving the ship.

Oh I see, he's landed on Europa just now then? And none of the Evos have spotted him? He must be quite good at this job if he's been able to make it past all the Europa defenses?

He must have been using some sort of stealth ship.

That's fine, I'll wager he'll be easy to find if I actually look for him. That ship most likely has a different signature from every other machine on the planet.


He's a hacker. That means every single person or thing this guy hacks, I'll be able to as well. The Servs will be left completely wide open if I have access to this guy.

And I've found him!

He's near some inactive factory. I think I might be able to hack him remotely from one of the nearby terminals. Need to be stealthy about it. Thankfully I don't think he knows what my type of signature... feels like.



I can do. But I think I'll just observe. But you know, this is dangerous, I'll be hearing his thoughts, his emotions, his feelings. This will be a first for me, so we'll see how it turns out. Well, here goes.


Ava-11 stood gingerly in the shadows of an inactive factory, not many of them in the capital of Europa's main colony, thankfully his intel was correct, he was in a pretty safe area. He relaxed his joints and lamented that the main leg of his journey was over, that cramped ship where he'd been in deep sleep for so many months, ugh, he was finally free from it. He'd travelled all the way from the Serv colony on Mars, here to Jupiter. Man, Europa truly was alien. 

(Author's note: To make it clear, everything in the file notes up til now has been set before chapter 1.)

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