File #5 Unique Operators: Sylvie and Marina

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Most operators are assigned roles after proving themselves to be effective strategists in battle, in which case they have the choice to stay at HQ and offer consulting to soldiers on the battlefield, sometimes they still send their Copy-AIs on to the battlefield, however there are several operators who are in a special class of their own:

Model B102: Sylvie

Sylvie was trained from birth to be an operator in conjunction with the experimental Block-2 Hacking unit. Unlike other operators she has the ability to be "cast" on to other machines of equal or lower cognition to her own. This is done by uploading her Copy-AI on to the Block-2s cognition and allowing her to facilitate the casting procedure. Upon doing so she can access and control camera controls, extract map data, isolate weaknesses in enemy machines, and manipulate motor functions.

Sylvie's physical brain is extremely valuable, she is a unique model and is difficult to replicate, and hence deployment on to the battlefield is prohibited.

Current observations are showing that her brain is undergoing organic changes over time, she is showing behaviours similar to ex-operator Marina.

Model A201: Marina

As a soldier, Marina showed great competency in battle, taking down legions of Evo robots single-handedly. No explanation was found for her anomalous level of skill as she was given similar training to all other soldiers and had a shell of similar quality.

Marina was offered an operator role, and she served in the position for a majority of her career. Later on in her career, during the Battle of Ceres, she was forced to replace Military Block-1 unit Reginald and take command of a fleet of ships as the PC Warships attempted to push further through the asteroid belt. Despite being heavily outnumbered, her strategic abilities managed to ensure the PC Warships were pushed back, and the battle was won.

Since then she served as operator for multiple fleets and was unofficially dubbed The Major by everyone in the military because of their great respect for her abilities.

Forty-two years after serving as an operator, the Council of Ten rescanned her and found they had made an error in her classification during birth. Her true classification was revealed to be Block-1 autonomy and she was officially allowed into the Council as a replacement for the original Military Block-1 unit that died.

Curiously, she does not share similar behavioural patterns and cognition as other Block-1s and maintains her Block-3 persona despite no longer needing to be on the battlefield.

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