Chapter 53: Kill Me

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The Major's right arm was trembling, her fist was holding a dagger but it was evident that she was trying her best to let go.

But she succumbed.

She snapped back into her hateful trance and ran at Ava, although this time her style and grace was starting to falter. She charged at him like a rabid animal, leaving craters where her steps were. The lack of elegance and grace made it easier for Ava to evade her movements, at the very least he was able to finally outmatch her in skill.

If the Major was lucid she wouldn't have left a trace of her presence, but the creature that had overtaken her body was running wild, it seemed the conflict that was being fought in her brain was making her body start to lose control.

Ava dodged another swipe, but there was no reason to celebrate, running wasn't going to get him anywhere. His battery was draining. Fast. He knew for a fact that the Major's body would've been optimised for a huge power output, so there was no way he'd be able to outlast her.

One mistake on his part could lead to his entire body being slashed to pieces.

He couldn't rely on any help from the others either, he and the Major were moving way too fast for them to react to what they were doing.

How much time had passed?

Twenty seconds.

It felt like they'd been fighting for twenty minutes.

"Ava..." the Major's eyes flashed once again, "H-Hack me"

"I-I..." Ava dodged another attack, "I can't!"

The Major grit her teeth. She spun behind Ava and kicked him in the back, sending him crashing into the ground. She slowed down. She had a scowl on her face, the steam from her body was now causing a mist form around everyone, "H-hack... me." she was starting to fight the virus once again, her body slowly edged towards Ava's fallen body, struggling to beat the Major's steely resolve. Her right hand was starting to loosen, the knife was about to fall off. Ava could tell from the look in her eyes, through that scowl, that look of intense hate, he could see eyes that were filled with despair, telling him that she could only hold back for so long.

And then running, someone was running.

Aphrodite ran in and stood in-between the two, she held her arms out and faced The Major.

"Stop!" she growled, "leave him alone you monster!" she was sweating,

The Major stared at Aphrodite,

"You're a Serv right?" Aphrodite asked, "then you have to listen to me!"

"Aphrodite!" Ava yelled, "that's not how it works! The Heretic Virus is controlling her, it's not the same!" if Ava remembered correctly, the Heretic virus was a corrupted fusion of his copy-AI and Mother's AI. It was Block-0, immune at the very least.

"What? B-but"

The Major gained traction, the virus was starting to take control again. Her right hand gripped the dagger one again and ran towards Aphrodite, ready to kill her, just like anything else that would get in her way.

Aphrodite was a human, she had sluggish, delayed reactions. She didn't have a chance to defend herself at all.

But in that split second before the Major managed to dig the dagger into Aphrodite's gut, Ava jumped back onto his feet and pushed her out of the way.

The Major stabbed Ava in his stomach, then, as he winced, she stabbed him again multiple times in the chest. He pushed through the pain and grabbed her hand as she continued to try and slash him to bits.

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