File #14: Gobot: Updated

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Upon examining the infiltration robot Gobot, we've noticed that there are several differences between his original version and the version modified on the Sanctuary.

We're finding it extremely difficult to reprogram him as it seems his architecture has completely changed, or moreso, doesn't exist any more. All the original modifications have been stripped out leaving nothing but his original Evo core.

With all modifications stripped and Serv programming taken out, only his base form is available.

We've noticed that he still has complete servitude towards the Servs, now because of his own independent choice rather than because of Serv programming. There is dispute among us whether having a being with full independent thought on Mars is safe or not, as we're yet to gauge his level of power. However having him on our side is a great boon, especially considering very few people are aware of how powerful he truly is.

Also, upon conversing with Gobot we've found that he's come to philosophise on a level far beyond Servs do. The Block-1 Marina has suggested that his desire to understand the world around him is a result of being born anew, with no preset programming answering all the questions for him, however upon first meeting him on his return, his first question was:

"Why am I here?"

When we told him the answer, he told us he wasn't asking us. He was asking himself.

This concept is foreign to artificial intelligences, and we intend on putting further research into the concept of "asking questions to onesself."

Many of the Block-1s suspect that an unlocked Evo may be comparable to a Block-1 Serv in terms of autonomy. If this is true then we may need to reconsider our relationship with Mother.

Pulling the Evos off of her network may be a bad idea.

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