XIX. Once Upon a Card Game

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Sophia whirled away from his voice, everything else she had been dreaming about every night numbing down to naught but dread. Suddenly she felt lost, overwhelmingly losing awareness of her surrounding, making it impossible for her to know where she was facing or where she ought to go.

Yet Sophia moved forward. Wherever her feet were taking her, she hardly cared. She could faintly hear Aabha running toward her, but that awareness disappeared as well when she crashed against a hard surface.

She stumbled back and would have fallen on the ground should she not have caught herself. She turned the other way but Nicholas blocked her path again.

When she turned to escape him again, she felt a strong grip around her right arm. He pulled her closer to him, not entirely strong but with enough strength for Sophia to catch her breath.

"And since we are here, Sophia," Nicholas rasped above her, his breath brushing over her face, "Would you care to share what your master is planning?"

Sophia pulled at her arm. "Let go of me, my lord." She hated that she sounded begging.

He clucked his tongue and the hairs on Sophia's neck stood. Was he mocking her? Was he wearing a smile, enjoying the sight of her panic state?

"Surely you do have a plan, Sophia," he continued, his hold firm around her arm. "Your lover finally came out to society and enjoys a celebrated status. And he brought you along with him. Now, tell me, dear, what his plans are."

Sophia bit her lips to keep from saying anything. Words would merely ignite Nicholas' apparent anger.

"Are you too much devoted to him to allow him to do his deeds?" When she turned her face away, he added, "Or perhaps you are making the plans along with him. There must be something brewing underneath all this scandalous display," he finished scathingly, letting go of her hand with a slight push.

The ideal thing to do was run away but her feet were frozen to the ground.

"You never wanted to leave Rock'oles. But you are here now. Planning to seduce another lord to do your bidding?" He was mocking her. It was evident in the anger intricately laced in his tone. But Sophia persisted on her silence as it was the only way she could keep the tears from flowing. "How many have you taken to bed after me? Did you also feign to have nightmares when in bed with them? Do they comfort you? Allow them to think of you as a victim so you can manipulate them the way you did me?"

Sophia's lips quivered slightly. She pursed them to maintain a blank mien.

You have scared away my nightmares, Nick. I hope I can tell you that.

"You must enjoy the attention Durley provides you. But as you can see, he is not here now. He allowed you to wander around in your condition."

Sophia swallowed. She had to make him go away. "No," she managed to say, "I knew you would come and find me."

It was one of the rare moments she was thankful she could not see him.

"But think this not as a trap, my lord. Would you like a tryst?" She managed a smile.

A long silence followed that Sophia began to think he had already left. "I sought you out for one thing, Sophia," he uttered, his form stepping away from her. "I am aware that you would dare not answer my questions. I simply wanted to relay a message."

"Of course," she said, her empty smile threatening to fade.

"You will fall with Durley." His voice was filled with raw fury, sending a chill up her spine. "I swear it on the name of the people you ruined. You will get what you deserve and more, my dear, and I will be there to witness it."

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