Chapter-18: "I will come to meet your Ummi, after work hours."

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"Fahad," His mother calls out. Her son stirs, from under her hand, which rests, on her belly.

"Ammi jaan!" Fahad exclaims, with love, upon witnessing his mother speaks, after a very long time, other than, the winces of pain.

Fahad's Ammi feels around, a little, while, trying to get up. Fahad immediately gets up, to help her.

It is a miracle. Wasn't she suffering from paralysis, as the doctor had said?

His mother was still limping about, still feeling stiff. She loved this new feeling.

Ameena AbdurRahman was done, with her husband's death. She was done being hurt, lifeless, dead.


After giving his mom, some rice and curry to eat, he gets down, on the prayer mat, in order to prostrate and be thankful to the All-Mighty.

Ya Allah, I don't know, what had happened, to my dear Ammi jaan. Alhamdulillah, she is all well, now. You are As-Shafi, the All-healer.

He folds the prayer mat, neatly, before sitting by his mother's side.

She wasn't walking or moving, completely, but, she wasn't anything, like her previous situation.


Allahu Allam...Malik wa Al Qudoos; Praise be to you, the Lord of the Worlds. I don't know what deed of mine has been rewarded. Ya Rab, I am thankful to you, alone.


Fahad's mobile rings, from the bedside.

"Mr. AbdurRahman," Noor calls, sternly, from the other side of the phone, "Have you forgotten your office timings?"

"No, I haven't, Ma'am." He scratches his neck, in embarrassment.

He had forgotten to apply for a leave!

"Ma'am...My mother just got alright, from the state of paralysis."

"She did. Alhamdulillah," She breathes. "But, how is that, possible?"

"Allah hu Allam," He says.

"Take the day, off, Mr. AbdurRahman. I will come to meet your Ummi, after work hours."

"In sha Allah," He is quite surprised, upon hearing his boss's reply.

What had gotten into her?


Ameena AbdurRahman was now, in the hospital, under the constant scrutiny of the doctor.

They couldn't believe, what had happened. They couldn't believe in, Allah's miracle!


Noor had just picked up, her pre-booked bouquet, before driving off, to the Saudi German Hospital, as directed by Fahad.

The smell of meds and cleaning liquids hit her nose, as she makes her way, to the Reception.

"Ameena AbdurRahman?" She questions, after which, is told to go to Room No. 769.


She knocks on the door. Fahad gives her the permission, to enter.

"Asalamualikum," She greets softly while presenting the bouquet to Ameena, in an orderly fashion.

Ameena stares at Noor, as old memories, resurface.

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