Chapter-27: "What had gotten into him?"

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Have I done something wrong? I don't understand, why are you avoiding me?!

If you want, I can propose to you, in the cliché style: on one knee, with ring in hand. But, I want to keep things halal.

Is this making you doubt my intentions?

Well, let me clear it out...I like you, as a boss, Yes, but, like more than that! This has nothing to do, with my job, or my position. Rather, this has to do, with my heart.

By Allah's grace, I am happy, with what I have...but, having you will make me happier.



A full-blown grin graces Noor's lips, as she reads his letter. Her face feels warm. What had gotten into him?

She shoves his letter, into the last drawer, before grabbing a pen, to write a reply of her own.

Mr. AbdurRahman,

I just need time to think. I am avoiding you, because, seriously, this is very weird!

Did you eat an cheesy burger in the morning? 'cause, your letter is very cheesy...

I did doubt your intentions. Thanks for clearing it out.

On a side note: I don't like clichés.

Your boss,


P.S. Why are you writing letters? Aren't you supposed to be doing work?

She grabs a stray envelop, from her table, before popping this letter, in it.

To: Fahad

From: Noor

She walks out. Looks around. Seeing the empty corridor, she slips the letter, under the door.

It is a wonderful thing, that, the C.C.T.Vs in her corridor, are out-of-order.

She didn't want people, to know. If they got to know, the media would be glamorizing it: The CEO of Cups and Cakes Inc. is having a relationship, with her Secretary!

Her job could be in danger. Fahad's reputation would be in danger, too.


Fahad spots the envelop, as he enters. He had gone downstairs, to have a word with Shelly, the head of the Accounts Dept., about the costs of Nouveau Dort.


I did not have an extra cheesy burger. Rather, I had a bowl of cereal. Thank you for asking.

I have made a mental note, that you don't like clichés. Yeah, it is a tad bit weird.

He looks up, to find Noor at her desk. At work. He continues, to write.

It is a pleasure, to see you at work. How do you get work done, so easily?

How are your parents? We have never talked about them. We only talk about Ammi. Are they in Sudan?

Don't you miss them?

Another thing. I do work. That is why you pay me, for it.



P.S. Stop calling me, Mr. AbdurRahman. It sounds so formal.



Good to know, that we both have the same thing for breakfast.

I am a boss. I am supposed to get work done, easily. What are my employees, for?

My parents...they are dead. Thank you for asking, about them. I do miss my mom, sometimes...

Anyways, I am planning to stop paying you. Jk...

Your boss,


P.S. I am supposed to be formal, with my employees.



I am sorry to hear that. But, they are in a better place. Bah, I am really bad at comforting!

Am I just an employee?





Oh! That's bad news...You aren't good at comforting?! I was going to say, yes, to your mom!

Now, I will have to reconsider my decision...

You are not just an employee, now. I think, you are more than that.

Your boss,



Fahad holds Noor's letter, in hand, while walking towards the lobby. Hassan had called him.

He stuffs the sheet of paper, in his pocket. But, the paper doesn't go inside, rather, it falls out. The AC's air blows it towards the receptionist's cabin, Amy's cabin.

She picks it up. A smirk crosses her face. 

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