Chapter 1: Monarchy

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Hey guys before you start I just want to let you know that there'll be small dumb mistakes along the way because I have a bad habit of not proof reading, so please bare with me. Thankyou so much and enjoy the story!

The early ages of the new medieval era, A young princess, wakes up from her deep slumber in the comforts of her titanic silk sheeted bed, to hear the lamenting of her mother, and her two younger siblings. She rushes into the bedroom a hall away from hers, in which she could hear the growing wailing followed with slight in sync sobs. Only to find what is the greatest tragedy of her young life. There lies the lifeless body of her father, the king of the nation, still adorned in his majestic nightwear, pale and frozen. She went into a state of shock. Not knowing how to react to what she was seeing right before her eyes. The louder the cries got, the more real it all became. She looks at her mother, to see she has slumped next to her father's deceased body, lamenting about her loss. Followed by her two younger sisters, huddled close to each other, one crying, And one staring at her father. She did not know who she should comfort first. Her mother, her two sisters or herself. The oldest child was expected to be selfless, even more as the oldest child of the royal family, a princess. She gently walked up to her mother, and caressed her shoulders, gripping on them, letting the widowed queen know, she is not alone. As the eldest she is aware to keep stiff upper lip, to show strength under any circumstance.

"Isabelle!Loudly whispers the second born sister of the royal family, charlotte. She looks back at her. Charlotte's tears have dried up on her face as she separates from the youngest of the family, Mary, and makes her way towards Isabelle.

"Noooo my love, why did you leave me?' Why? You left me, you left our girls, ohh my love" the widowed queen and mother kept mourning as she would not move a muscle next to her dead husband. To anyone's knowledge under the monarchy of the king Albert. The king and queen from the beginning of their marriage, was an elated, loving marriage, even after the death of the king. The two were married off at a young age, a few years went by the queen bore her first child, Isabelle. Not a single scandal was ever heard within the royal court, the word goes round which the queen was indeed the king's "dream woman". Isabelle always had a good perception of love, seeing how jovial and loving her parents were, any married couple would be, and a harmonious king and queen they were to the country they govern. Seeing that her mother lost her love, And her sisters lost her father, and seeing she lost hers as well, was all too much for her to bare. He was indeed her role model , her friend, her tutor, and the king of her life. Trying to fight back her tears, she could feel Mary's arm wrap around her waist, followed by charlotte, who was quite reluctant to follow the steps of Mary, to which she tries her utmost best to facsimile her oldest sister.

"Long live the queen ...!" Says a voice not so far off from the royal women.

"LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" Follows another one. Isabelle broke her gaze from her dead father and followed the voice.

The chambermaids, and personal butlers and all of whom were working in the palace were flocked outside the bedroom, were all kneeling down, in front of the royal women. Confused isabelle and her two sisters looked at her mother, only to find her expressions to have changed from sorrow to disbelief to regression. She stood up from the bed in which she was seated

"No no no, she is too young, she is not ready, it will crush her, the crown will crush her" the widowed queen began to sob while gripping tight onto isabelle's soft petite hand.

And that is when she realized, it was not her mother they were wishing for. It was her. A day she never thought would come. A power she never thought she'd have. A nation she never thought she'd rule. A crown she never thought she'd adorn. Was now hers. She is no longer a princess, She is the queen.

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