Chapter 27 : Confession

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"Gods' beasts

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"Gods' beasts....? Am I hearing this right?" Questioned Richard, who seemingly looks absolutely shocked and skeptical about what he just heard; the real reason for the rebellion, supernatural god like allies for the queen, the little girl he's known since her birth, the girl he watched grow up right in front of her eyes... is a reincarnation of Sager? It was all too much for Richard to take in, he couldn't bare to imagine how hard it must be for the young queen herself.

"Yes... this is what they are Richard, and with their help, it will be a lot easier when facing Francesco and the Gronzerichs"

"What do we tell the council about their identities your grace? About your majesty Aedric and prince Tristan's loyalty to you?"
He was right, this was harder than it seems.

"We tell them what they need to know, and that Francesco is starting a war, and we have trustworthy allies. They don't need to know who and what the Gods' beasts are. When the time comes, when all of this is over, well let the people know" the Queen said sternly. All the men seated in the council room agreed. Of course they should. It's their queen.
She may be young but she does know what to do. And what to say.

"I suppose I'll handle the council for now, telling them what they need to know, and your grace, princess Charlotte is looking for you" Richard bowed his head to the queen and walked out of the room to handle his duties.

Of course, the princesses. Isabelle forgot about them for the time being, she hasn't spoken to them in a while. Especially Mary. And now their safety means everything to her. What do I tell them? A war is coming? Will they trust me to keep them safe the way papa did. There was never a rebellion when papa was ruling. How do I keep them safe?

All these thoughts were gushing inside the queens head. Worried.

"Your grace... princess Charlotte" Jacob snapped Isabelle out of her train of thoughts. The queen stood up from her chair, ready to go meet her sisters.

"Your chambers have been made, victor will show you to them" the queen pointed at the squire that entered to the council room.

Aedric hoped Isabelle would stay longer, he wanted to talk to her a little bit more. Maybe even privately. But something's telling him the ugly apparent servant boy Jacob is not letting that happen.

The three Gods' Beasts bowed at the queen as she exited the room with her guard.

"I'm sorry that this is happening your grace, I really am" Jacob said almost silently, as the two were walking to the garden, where Mary and Charlotte are supposed to be at. she tried to play it cooly but Jacob can see right through her. He knows she's scared though she makes sure she doesn't show it.

"It's okay Jacob, it's what comes with ruling a country isn't it?" she gave him a weak smile. Isabelle knew Jacob makes her feel safe, that for once she can rely on someone. For once she doesn't have to be the one to stand for anything. He'll be right there, to protect her.

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