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It's been two years since Jacob came back to me, two years of just utmost happiness

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It's been two years since Jacob came back to me, two years of just utmost happiness. We married soon after. It was the most joyous day of my life, and I thought nothing could top the day he came back to me. But this day did. He stood in the throne room, dashingly dressed in badges and jewel encrusted white clothing. Waiting me for to join him. Richard walked me down the aisle, Up to Jacob. And we were wed. Aedric couldn't make it that day, for his sister Arielle was giving birth to her first child on that same day. He wished us well; sent us gifts through his Hydra. It was quite a show as it arrived on our wedding day, it's beastly form flapping about in the royal garden. We were joined by Lena and Tristan. How I missed us all together. It wasn't the five of us but we all drank and danced all night long. My heart feels full as I remember that day.

Jacob became King. But he did not want to receive power, he did not take the title of the king. Instead he chose to go by prince, allowing me to truly be the only monarch with power. I truly did not think I deserved such happiness. Waking up next to Jacob every morning, hearing him groan as he rolls off the bed at dawn, leaving a kiss on my forehead before he heads off to deal with matters of the army.

Lena was still the General, the rank Jacob used to hold. But now he and Lena works together, dealing with weaponry and the army for the kingdom. 

It was a fine evening, as my family, Lena, Jacob and I were dining in our royal dining hall. Something I've come to look forward to enjoy every supper.

"Why aren't you having your wine dear?" My mother asked as she eyed me eagerly.

"I'm afraid it makes me feel a little sick, I've become less tolerant now" i chuckled. Wine and other drinks have been making me vomit as of recently. Even the smell of certain food makes me unbearably nauseous. It would be quite awful for me to fall sick, the last thing the kingdom needs is a bedridden monarch.

My mother's eyes studied me, laying her fork down on the table.

"Your skin is glowing, your cheeks have puffed quite a bit. Your hair is more darker and luscious. You can't stand the smell of some food and you definitely can't stomach liquor..... you're with child"

Jacob choked on his ale as he widened his eyes in disbelief.

"I'm sorry she's what?"

"No-no- I'm- no-" I fumbled at my words. There's in no way I'm pregnant. At least not now, it's way too early. It's just too soon.

"Congratulations!" Chimed in Letty and Lena in unison. Excited for me as they started to clap.

I turned to face Jacob who was seated next to me. A smile formed in his face, the same warm smile that always made my knees weak.

"A child, yours and mine" he whispered at me, he seemed to be excited as well, not in the same way as Lena and letty at the moment, but his eyes still widened with happiness.

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