Chapter 16 : Husband and Wife

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"Where's my fucking wife?!" Yelled Francesco at his right hand Vernon. It's been frustrating for the man, calling on a war he might not even win. Trying to take over a young queen who's bound to win hearts of many, possible alliances. A queen of an entire continent. And Francesco? A king of a land. A land under her monarchy.

And his wife has being missing all morning.

"Your grace I've sent men to look for her majesty, I'm sure she's gone for a walk perhaps?"

"Oh to fucking hell with a walk. I want her here NOW!"

Francesco always scared his people. They serve him solely through fear nothing else. Which is probably why he thinks he can start a war. No one really knows why he is the way he is now. How or why. Gradually through time he became a fearful violent torturous man. He drinks all day and kills his prisoners for fun. No one to say a word. Or they lose their tongue.

The door to the council room swings open and the queen hesitantly comes inside, behind her were the guards that were supposedly sent after her. The queen, Márya, couldn't look at Francesco in his eyes. Through time they never could. There was no connection between them whatsoever.

Márya once thought he loved her, at least once in their marriage. She did make him smile, she did make him laugh. He did make feel something, something good. Once. For she loved him with all she could. Gave him all she had, loved him like no one could. But all he did was hurt her. Through actions through words. Everyday. She cried more than she's laughed, shes been sad more than she's been happy ever since she was married to him.

Her one true happiness, her son. She thought he could save her. But he left her too.

Their marriage became bitter, their bond estranged. He's never laid a hand on her, she's surprised why he hasn't yet. He stoops low enough, he's broken her completely.

And yet, yet she still feels something for the man she first loved, the man she gave her womanhood to, the man she once shared a child with, the man she tried her best for.

Márya hates the fact that she has hope. Hope that someday they'll work again. As far as her knowledge goes she hasn't seen him with another woman, mistress or prostitute. But you can never be too sure with Francesco. He's hurt her enough. He never cared for her feelings, never showed his love. She was nothing but a stranger he could use when he wants.

Maybe he knows she loves him still. With all she has. Maybe that's why he treats her so terribly. Using her love for him.

Márya could stay up all night thinking of reasons why he's treating her the way he is but nothing will ever change, and she can never leave. And she'll die unloved and unhappy. 

Francesco stares at his wife with furrowed eyebrows and angry eyes.

"Leave us." Bellowed Francesco, sending chills down Márya's skin and frightening Vernon, to which he rushes out of the room along with the guards. Leaving the married couple be.

"what do you want from me?" Márya manages to look up from the floor and follow Francesco's gaze, whos eyes won't leave hers.

"Where have you been?" He demanded, expecting to frighten her as well.

He can't go much further trying to frighten his wife, it's been too long he's done it too many times. She's grown accustomed to his lion like behavior, she's grown tired of it all.


"what did you say?" The king who's quite taken back at his wife's reply seemed to get more angry at her rebellious reply. He started to walk towards her in a cool yet intimidating manner.

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