Chapter 9 : Closer

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"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to cross my boundaries your grace, I assumed you'd like someone to talk to is all"

Jacob was standing right in front of me, as I have my back turned to my chamber door. I don't quite know how to react to what he just said. He made me feel safe, and protected, and as selfish as that sounds that's exactly what I needed right now.

''oh no, no Jacob that's alright. In fact, I'd love your company" I didn't want him to see me blush as I quickly turned around and walked into my chamber. And I can hear his footsteps follow me inside.

Oh wait a fucking minute.

This isn't right. What if somebody sees? What if it spreads around the royal court? I don't need a scandal I'm already in the midst of a fucking war. It won't take Wymarc a second to spread around all of Swiok Frary, in fact all of yoreria if he could. Someone needs to remind me why this man is serving for the queens council.

"Your grace.... you must have heard of Balin-Elyot rebellion?" Jacob said, breaking my train of thought as i was removing the tight rose hairpin off my hair. i turned to look at him, he was standing by the door, expecting a reply from me. Of course i have you fool. Balin was my grandfather. The rebellion was the one story my mother always told me before we went to bed. i gave Jacob a look. ' what do you think?'

"Right, of course, my bad."

"is there a point?"

"well yes..... i thought i'd love to hear your thoughts on the....well... the Hydra's"

"The hydra's? like the beast?''

"yes your grace"

"well there's nothing much to think about them i suppose. they ruled with the Hydrevians and ceased to exist just like their bloodline"

my hair finally untangled and fell loose. it's getting so long it's all the way to my back. what a distraction. i made my way to the balcony and stared outside, the breeze. what mother told me one day. how it would feel after a heavy day.

"what if i told you that it could still exist"


what did he just say?

I immediately turned around and saw him close to my bed, which isnt quite far from where i am standing. his face filled with determination, he seemed completely serious on what he just said. He just said Hydra's could still exist. But that was centuries ago. And i thought i was the one loosing my mind.

My face turned into a confused expression. "what?"

'' some of my men was on the Saint Mary ship, on the way to Eshil."

"Eshil? the country where it never snows?"

"yes your grace, taking supplies in trade for spices. It is said that Eshil is the closest country to Qiyoric.... now no- one knows what's in Qiyoric. who even inhabits there but the ones in it"

"so what? Hydra's could be In Qiyoric?"

"All I'm saying is that Saint Mary had a few difficulties coming back from the gulf of Eshil, passing Qiyoric.... And it isn't any whale or some sort"

i'm getting even more confused. what's confusing me more, or the fact that my heart is racing is that Jacob has found himself coming closer and closer to me. Not a single bit of fear in his eyes. But warmth. He was looking at me with more focus, focus and yearning me. Is this all in my head?

"wha.... what do you mean?" i tried not to make it seem obvious that my attention was on the fact that he was so close to me, than about the Hydra's

"what i mean is that, my men saw something. And i'm saying, anything could be out there"

Now he was just inches closer to me. I could hear his rugged breathing

''why are you telling me this?"

"I want you to be ready, ready for anything that comes your way. And i want you to be safe. And i will do all i can to keep you safe"

at this point i could hear my heartbeat and i bet he can too. this is the first time in a while i just couldn't think of what to do. This is wrong but everything feels so right.


This isn't right

but i realized i'm standing almost outside my balcony, for anyone wondering outside the palace could see us. I can't. I can't risk it. Not today. I jolted back. and that was enough for him to retrieve.

"Your grace... I'm so sorr-"

"it's alright, it's quiet alright, now if you don't mind, i'd like to be left alone for a while please thankyou"

Jacob was speechless afterwards. i know he wants to say something but he can't. if i wasn't such a timid fool, he would be in prison by now. Jacob bowed his head and made his way to the door.

"thankyou for the Insight as well.... Jacob" of course i didn't want him to leave. But I'm queen now. My sisters look upto me. it'll all be too much.

Jacob glanced back at me one last time. trying his best to give me that sweet smile. but instead i can see him forcing it back. Instead nodded again and walked out of my chamber.

What am I feeling?

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