4. From dinner to family reunion (part 1)

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Aria's POV

"Nik, what happened?" I asked, when I entered Niklaus' room.

"I got the coffins back." he answered simply, but when I gave him a glare, he decided not to get on my nerves and give me the answer that i want. "Damon Salvatore resurrected Elijah and took the dagger." I nodded.

"Okay. What are you hiding in the locked coffin." For a few minutes, it looked like Nik tried to find the good words to say.

"Aria, you just got back to town. You don't need to worry about this. I promise you, I'll tell you everything when Elijah comes. I want to tell that for both of you." he said. "What we need to concentrate on now is, how we are going to get rid of Stefan, because he starts to cause more and more problems."

Niklaus was right. We can't risk our family's safety again. If we're planning on staying here, we have to get rid of every harm.

"Salvatore brothers are coming tomorrow to negotiate the truce. I thought, that maybe you would like to introduce yourself?" he suggested smirking.

It's probably a good time to do so. Well, I'm sure as hell that Salvatores won't be happy about an another original in Mystic Falls.

"Yes, I would. I only need to find a dress for the dinner." I said now smirking too.


All day Nik and Elijah were out somewhere and I decided to settle in my new room. There was a few available rooms in the mansion, so I took the one that has the biggest closet. If I'm going to stay in Mystic Falls for longer, I'll need to send all clothes from Rome. I can say that my closet is truly impressive. I have kept at least one pair of clothes and shoes from each century.

Actually, I was glad that Elijah was out, because I just don't know what to do when I'm near him. It's still awkward between us. It looks like we both feel the attraction, but I don't want to let him in so easily and I think that he understands that. That's one of many things that I love about Elijah. He's patient and understanding.

Today, Salvatore brothers will come over dinner, so I was searching for something fancy in my new closet. After about an hour, I picked black tight dress, that fitted me perfectly and put on six inches black heels. I did smokey eyes and put on red lipstick. I let my hair fall on my shoulders. When I looked at the mirror, I was very satisfied with my look.

I started making my way towards the door, when I heard the bell ring and Niklaus with Elijah greeting Salvatore brothers. When I started walking down the stairs, all four pairs of eyes were on me. Stefan and Damon were looking at me with questioning look, Nik was smirking and Elijah's eyes were roaming on my body. Slight smirk appeared on my face, when I saw that the older Mikaelson was shamelessly staring at my curves. When Elijah managed to look at my face and saw me smirking at him, he ashamed looked at the ground, with a little bit of blush creeping on his face.

Elijah walked to the stairs and, like the gentleman he is, gave his hand to help me get down the last few stairs. Together we walked hand in hand near Nik and brothers.

"And who this beautiful lady might be?" Damon flirty asked me.

"Aria. Aria Mikaelson. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Salvatore." I released Elijah's hand to politly shake Damon's and Stefan's. I could feel, that Elijah got irritated because of our lost contact.

"Ahhh... Another sister." Damon more like stated than asked. That's when Elijah decided to intervene.

"No, actually, she's my wife." He said and wrapped his hand around my waist possessively.

"Oh..." both brothers looked at us shocked.

"Why don't we talk like civilized people? Shall we?" Niklaus suggested clearly amused by the situation and motioned to the room where the food was. Everyone nodded in agreement and walked towards the room. When Elijah and I were behind their backs, I glared at him, but saw him looking forwards and smirking. He was enjoying this moment, like I was, when I caught him staring at me.

I got out of his grip and walked towards the room, while making sure that he gets a good view of my swinging hips.


We were eating our food in silence. Well everyone except Stefan, he was just staring at Niklaus.

"Thank you, love." Damon said to the woman, who poured him some wine, and looked at her butt, while she was walking away.

"You lost your appetite." Nik said to Stefan.

"Eat. I thought that we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home." Damon spoke. After those words Stefan biterly smiled at Niklaus and started eating.

"That's the spirit." Nik joked. "Isn't this nice? Four of us dinning together. Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind, when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?"

"Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more,the merrier." Damon said and winked at Elijah. Well that's strange... I can feel that there's something going on.

"Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through." Yeah, he daggers Elijah and when he pulls the dagger out, he reminds his brother the vows they share.

"Kind of like you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her." Stefan spoke.

"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah and Aria." he defended himself, while motioning to Elijah and me.


When he told me the truth, I felt like he slapped me. Mine and Esther's relationships where neutral. Back then I was grateful that she married me with her son and I respected her like a mother in law. But you can't say that I grieved a lot when she was killed. I hated how she and Mikael treated Nik and binded his werewolf side. It hurted, that Niklaus told me the truth only now, but my heart squeezed from pain, when I saw Elijah's face. He loved his mother dearly and when Nik told the truth, I believe, that his world turned upside down. I wanted somehow to comfort him, but he stormed out of the room before I could.

I looked at Elijah, who was looking at Niklaus. Now I was sure that he has something planned. Elijah might be forgiving, but I knew that he won't leave this lie in peace.

"Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad? Might want to dial down the judgment until dessert." Damon intervened. I raised my eyebrows. Well, at least Salvatore's family isn't perfect either.

"We're here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses." Stefan snapped at his brother with polite voice.

"I'm just saying we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself."

Well, the dinner will truly be interesting. I'm sure of that.


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