21. Bleeding

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Aria's POV

Stefan and I went to the gazebo to talk with Elijah, but we didn't find him there. So Stefan called him from Katherine's phone.

"Katerina?" Elijah picked up.

"Hello, Elijah." Stefan greeted him.

"Where is Katherine?"

"Where's Elena?"

"Safe. How long she remains so depends upon you."

"Well, I guess the same goes for Katherine."

"Oh, Katherine can take care of herself against the two of you." I knew that Stefan was going to correct him and tell him that I and Rebekah are here too. I quickly pointed a finger at myself and then put it on my lips, showing Stefan to keep quiet about me. Thank God he understood what I meant.

"Oh you mean the three of us. 'Cause your little sister decided to join Team Good Guys for the time being." Stefan was looking at me while said that and I nodded in agreement and gratefulness that he didn't tell Elijah anything about me.

"Put her on the phone." After a few seconds of silence Elijah commanded.

"Well, she's not here right now. I left her with Damon and Katherine."

"Tell me where they are."

"Relax. No one's gonna get hurt as long as Katherine hands over the cure."

"Do you understand how much my sister despises Katherine? I assure you, Rebekah will end her the moment she ceases to be of use."

"Well, just tell me where you are, and we can talk this through."

"You listen to me very carefully, Stefan. If anything whatsoever happens to Katherine, I will descend upon Elena." Elijah said and cut off the phone.

Stefan put Katherine's phone in his pocket and turned to me.

"Aria, why you didn't let me tell Elijah about you? What's going on between you two? Why is he with Katherine?" Stefan questioned me. I sighed.

"When he left, he said that he's going to help one of his friends. I'm not a fool, Stefan. I know what happened between him and Katherine. So I can't really call her just a "friend" of his. I want to find out what's happening between those two by myself and I think, its better to do that when he doesn't know that I'm here." I explained everything to him.

"Then I wish you good luck with that." Stefan said sincerely.

Elijah's POV

"You're both idiots." I turned my head to Elena.

"Excuse me?"

"Ugh. What happened to you, Elijah? I mean, I thought you were supposed to be a man of honor, and yet you've been hooking up with Katherine while you have a wife?" Her voice was full of disgust.

"I am not hooking up with Katherine, Elena. She contacted me when she learned about the cure. We thought we could be of mutual use to one another." I said.

""Of mutual use"? Please. You fell for her trap just like every other one of those idiots." Elena laughed.

"You underestimate me, Elena. I know who she is. I know what she's done."

"And you think she's changed? She's playing you. She lied to you, Elijah."

"She didn't lie to me about your transformation." There was silence between us. "You're not just a vampire, though, are you? There's something else. You...you're not yourself. You've abandoned your emotions. Why?"

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