14. Maid of honor

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Aria's POV

It's been a few days since we were staying in my apartment in Chicago. Elijah was out somewhere when my phone rang. When I picked up a joyful voice greeted me.

"Hi, Ari!"

"Hi, Elle! How are you doing?"

"Actually great!!!" Gisselle's voice was full of joy.

"May I know why?" I asked curiously.

"I'm getting married next week!!!"She squealed.

"Oh my God, Elle, congratulations! Finally!"

"Yeah, I know. And guess who's gonna be my maid of honor?"

"Of course me." I said proudly. "I'm your bestfriend after all. So where the weddings are going to happen? And do I need to come right away or when?"

"I and Victor decided that our weddings will be in France. And yes, could you come tomorrow? I would send you the address."

"Yes, of course. And I have one more question."

"Yes, you can bring Elijah with you."

"How did you know?"

"Ari, I know you like a back of my hand. Besides everyone already knows that you are together again, so it's obvious that you want to bring him too."

"Ok. Then we'll be there tomorrow. Send me the address. Bye!"

"Okay. Bye!"

Just as I hung up, I heard Elijah come back. I went to the corridor and found Elijah with a frown on his face.

"Hey, dear." I walked towards him and pecked his lips. "What happened?" He didn't answer my question and only stared into nothing. "Elijah?" I looked at him concerned. He now looked me in the eyes and slowly spoke.

"Niklaus. He's alive."

"Elijah, what are you talking about? I saw in my own eyes how Alaric staked him."

"Apparently, before that happened, Bonnie Bennett cast a spell on him, that after his death he would reincarnate into Tyler's Lockwood body."

"Why we get the news only now?"

"Rebekah found out only today and she immediately informed me. She said that Bonnie returned him to his body today."

"And that selfish bastard didn't even think about telling us?! We all thought that he's dead! How could he do this to us?!" My blood was boiling from anger. I wanted to smash something and Elijah noticed it, so he quickly pulled me into hug. I immediately felt all the anger leave and my body relax at his embrace.

"At least he's alive." I sighed.

"Yes. That's good. But I don't want to see him now. I doubt that I


Elijah and I both were sitting on the couch cuddling, when I decided that its the right time to tell him about Elena. I knew that he would be even more angry if I would keep this as a secret from him longer.

"Elijah, I need to tell you something."

"Go on, dear."

"Before we left Mystic Falls I talked with Rebekah. And she told me that she was going to kill Elena Gilbert." I said straight away and waited for his reaction.

"And she did, didn't she?" He huskily spoke.

"Yes. But, Elija, please, understand her. She just didn't want to run again. None of us did. And what would have happened if Alaric found us one day. We already lost Niklaus. We just can't risk to lose anyone else." I said and took his hand, but he stood up and started pacing around the room.

"But what about Elena, Aria? She had a family too. How do you think her brother feels now?" He said.

"Her life didn't end. When she died there was vampire blood in her organism." I explained. He was looking through the window for a few minutes until he spoke again.

"Why are you telling me this only now?"

"Because I just couldn't let you suffer even more. If I would have told you, you would have blame yourself, because you didn't save her and haven't stop it." I stood up and walked towards him. "I love you and I will do everything in my will for you to suffer as less as it's possible, even if that means that everything will fall on my shoulders. That's what we vowed for each other when we got married. Maybe we didn't love each other back then, but we do know. And that only gives us one more reason why we should stick to those vows."

"I am a fool, that it took me so long to realize that the perfect women is standing right besides me." He said lovingly, hugged me and kissed me softly on a head.

We stood like this for some time until I decided to tell him about Gisselle's weddings.

"Do you remember Gisselle? I told you about her?"

"Yeah. She's your best friend, right?" I nodded.

"Well her weddings will happen next week and she asked me to be her maid of honor. She invited you too." I quickly added.

"It would come in handy for us to be between people, who aren't our family." Obviously he was still grumpy about Niklaus. But so was I.

"You're right. She sent me an address and asked us to be there tomorrow. We should start packing." I suggested. Elijah nodded.

"Where exactly the weddings gonna be?"

"In France. At Chateau de Cheronne."

"That's a perfect place for the wedding."

"It sure is. Gisselle and Victor wanted to get married there because they met there for the first time."

"It's impressive that they were together for so long and got married only now."

"Well theirs situation is slightly different from ours." He chuckled at what I said.

"But I can't complain. Because if our marriage wouldn't have happened, we probably wouldn't stand here together." He said and kissed me.

"You're right." I said and kissed him. "I love you, Elijah."

"I love you too, Aria."


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